How do you think Ponyland would work if it didn't have princesses controlling things from the top? Could they form a successful government, or would towns like Ponyville simply self-govern?
It kinda begs the question: what did Luna and Celestia actually do during their rule, since we rarely saw them interact with Ponyville? Even during monster attacks, it seemed like all the ponies would simply hide in their homes and hope the Mane Six handled it. I wonder what they did before the Elements of Harmony arrived.
And would unicorns find a way to keep the sun and moon moving without Celestia or Luna? We already saw Twilight borrow the magic for a bit, but she still had some kind of access to alicorn magic—even though we never really got to see what exactly that does in terms of power, with Glimmy seemingly at around the same level as Twilight. Maybe they'd bug Discord to do it?
Go discuss all this weird stuff below!
Prince's Trixie continues. Is Trixie the most varianted pony in the fandom? We've got so many version of her at this point, from babysitter to this one.
Also varianted isn't a word, but I make up words all the time so go get the gallery below while I contact whatever dictionary people use these days and have it added.
[0] Source
by whiskeypanda -
Lets just call it the Void compilation, cause that's all we have today!
Get them all above and below.
Would you trust an Anonfilly in your house?
Time to view plushies! Check them out below.
[1] Anonmare