My Little Pony: Crusaders #277-281 Crusaders continues with a giant pile of pages today, and more Equestria Stories! Get them all below.
Yesterday I reviewed Celestia and Octavia, and today we have the Cutie mark Crusaders joining Spike! These guys are brand new and were released surprisingly quickly after their announcements, but they've been in production for quite a while if our interview is any indication, so time to see how they are!
Now go read about them and get flooded with pictures below.
Can we have that AU G4 pony series already? I need it.
More art! Header by Magnaluna, and the rest below.
[1] Source
by magnaluna -
My Little Pony: Case of the Missing Puff Released! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by SethistoG5 continues with another fun little slice of life story out of your favorite pegasus princesses.
Head on down below to find out where that funni puffball went.
Author: Art Inspired
Description: Sometimes Sweetie Belle takes Rarity a bit too literally.
Sweetie Belle Draws Rarity's Bath