Source Music time! We've got a bunch of it today. Head on down below for amazing instrumentals, and lots of vocal tracks by newer misicians and people experimenting!
Go get it all below.
Ponies have a lot of similarities to us, but enough differences that they probably have some very unique jobs in comparison. Imagine discovering ponies who specialize in jobs like Cloud Painters (decorating the sky with colors and patterns), Cutie Mark Consultants (helping ponies interpret or make sense of their marks), or even Potion Taste Testers (because somepony has to check the side effects before Zecora sells it).
If you could invent the strangest profession for a pony, what would it be? Would they be Bubble Wrap Poppers to help stressed-out ponies? Maybe they’d work as Story Archivists, magically recording and replaying tales of Equestria’s greatest adventures? Or how about Mushroom Whisperers, who communicate with the Everfree’s weirdest fungi?
Discuss below!
The pony is psychedelic today. Embrace the 60's and get a bunch of art below!
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Cabin Fever Dreams by Ayyolilikoi on Deviantart -
Author: Some Leech
Description: After Chrysalis' invasion of Canterlot, disrupting the royal wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, everything changed for Copper. As his true self was revealed, the life he'd spent years crafting, and everything he held dear, was stripped away...
The Truth Made Bare