• Community Soapbox: Cutie Mark Purpose, Neflix Vs. Discovery Family, and More!


    Soapbox time, where the fandom expresses its opinions! As always, we are open for submissions on these.  If you'd like to submit your own soapbox, hit up this post for infos.

    As always, these are the opinions of fandom members, not us here at EQD.

    Have some headlines:

    • What Is the Actual Purpose of Cutie Marks?
    • The rights war between Netflix and DFC, and the fate of the international productions
    • Could Equestria Have a Non-Pony Ruler?
    • Things That Can Make Gen 4 and Gen 5 Have No Connection
     And go read them below! 
    What Is the Actual Purpose of Cutie Marks?
    By: Temporalflux

    Cutie marks are sold to us as a symbol of destiny, a magical manifestation of a pony’s true calling. But let’s take a step back—are they really about personal fulfillment, or are they just a glorified branding system that locks ponies into pre-determined roles? Think about it: the moment a pony gets their mark, society instantly expects them to follow that path. A pony with a wrench on their flank? Better be a mechanic. A pony with a paintbrush? Hope you like making art for a living. There’s no real room for questioning or reinvention—your mark appears, and that’s that. It’s less about finding yourself and more about being told who you are.

    And sure, you could argue that cutie marks don’t force a pony into one job—Rainbow Dash’s mark represents speed and freedom, not just weather work—but the fact remains that ponies are rarely seen breaking away from their assigned theme. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders, whose whole deal is helping ponies understand their marks, reinforce the idea that you must align yourself with whatever magic stamped onto your flank. Have we ever seen a pony reject their mark? Try to change it? Nope, because the system isn’t designed for that. Cutie marks might make life simpler, but they also strip away the kind of self-discovery other species get to experience naturally.

    So what is the actual purpose of cutie marks? Are they a genuine force of fate, or just a magical sorting mechanism to keep Equestria’s workforce neatly categorized? If ponies didn’t have them, would they still be drawn to the same talents, or would they feel free to explore different paths? The show treats cutie marks like a gift, but if you really think about it, they might just be a curse in disguise—one that no pony ever questions because, well, they never had a choice in the first place.

    Could Equestria Have a Non-Pony Ruler?
    By: Temporalflux

    Let’s be real. Equestria has always been a pony-dominated society, and not just in terms of leadership. Every major historical figure, from Starswirl to Celestia, has been a pony, and the Elements of Harmony? All ponies. Even Twilight’s whole “Friendship for All” initiative still put ponies at the center of everything. But what if that changed? Could Equestria ever accept a non-pony as its ruler? It’s not like other creatures aren’t capable—just look at Dragon Lord Ember, King Thorax, or even Queen Novo. They lead their own nations just fine, so why is Equestria so insular when it comes to governance?

    The biggest hurdle isn’t ability, it’s perception. Ponies have been running things for so long that the idea of, say, a griffon or changeling taking the throne probably wouldn’t sit well with the average Equestrian. Even though Twilight spent years pushing for interspecies unity, there’s still an unspoken rule that ponies are “in charge” while everyone else is just along for the ride. Would ponies really follow a ruler who doesn’t raise the sun, control the weather, or have a cutie mark that “proves” their destiny? Even Thorax, one of the most peaceful and understanding leaders in recent history, would probably face skepticism if he somehow ended up on the throne.

    But here’s the thing, Equestria is changing. The School of Friendship brought in students from all over, and the younger generation is growing up seeing non-ponies as equals. If there was ever a time when Equestria could break its pony-centric leadership cycle, it would be now. Imagine a dragon leader who brings raw strength to the table, or a changeling ruler who understands transformation—literally and figuratively. It wouldn’t be easy, but if anyone could make it happen, it would be Twilight. The real question isn’t could Equestria have a non-pony ruler, but would ponies actually accept one? Because let’s be honest—change in Equestria happens, but only when ponies decide they’re ready for it.
    The rights war between Netflix and DFC, and the fate of the international productions
    By: FirePuppy (Tadashi Satoru)

    For many years, Discovery Family and Netflix have been warring on who gets to keep the rights for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Both companies, however, were originally scheduled to give up their rights back to Hasbro three years ago, and then again earlier this year. But apparently, the show wasn't entirely removed from either service in either year, and it seems like the war between Netflix and Discovery Family is still continuing.

    In the most recent annual reports from both owners of Discovery Family, we still don't get any announcements on the fate of the channel. All we get is "neither party had exercised the option or put right to require WBD to acquire the Company's remaining ownership in DFC", and "at December 29, 2024, the fair market value of this option was zero", not to mention that Hasbro's investment in DFC is now much, much lower than it was in any year before that, which I know, and you should know, is a very bad sign.

    I'm also worried about the international productions and where their rights should move to next. Ever since Tell Your Tale ended, almost none of the international My Little Pony YouTube channels have ever been active since. Not only that, they've only uploaded a maximum of the first four seasons in different languages (the same four that only the U.S. version of Netflix has gotten since three years ago), and nothing else whatsoever. No Equestria Girls, no Best Gift Ever, no Rainbow Roadtrip -- just those four seasons of the main series. In fact, some international channels don't even have any G4 episodes, despite them all having a banner with G4 characters! The last new international production we ever got was the French dub of Rainbow Roadtrip on YouTube, which is also apparently the only new international production within the entire 2024 calendar year. Before this, it was the European Portuguese dub of Best Gift Ever on the very last day of 2023.

    This clearly shows that today, Hasbro is consistently failing to keep to its standards, continuing to force poor and unreliable options of their content, doing things that only support their line of thought.

    Things That Can Make Gen 4 and Gen 5 Have No Connection
    by Double C

    As I mention before, Hasbro should admit that they should make Gen 5 an alternative timeline and have no connections to Gen 4. There are many possible ideas that can be done with the right writers who know what they are doing. If I was one of the writers of IDW comics or Hasbro YouTube project, these are the things that can make these 2 MLPs have no connections.

    Romance is often avoided but would actually play important parts with the main characters and others. After seeing how Pinkie and Cheese became a couple, it would be fun to see others. Twilight and Flash is my favorite and deserve to be happy together since they can help each other and understand each other. Rainbow and Applejack are teased to be a couple but should stay friends since their competitive nature would put a strain. Rainbow would be better with Soarin since they are both talented Wonderbolts and they have supported to each other. Applejack is better with Rockhoof since both are strong, honest, and good at story telling. Flash Magnus and Daring Do would make a great couple for they are both Rainbow’s icons and they are adventuresses. Luna and Stygian would make a good couple for they understand each other’s past issues and enjoy reading books and writing which they would write a book together.

    To see how Sunset Shimmer story come to a conclusion is what fans have always wanted to see. A cancelled season 2 final of EQ where it would explain what happens to Sunset’s human counterpart. After some rethinking from my original opinion, I believe Sunset would stay as the protector of the portal, go to college, and become principle of Canterlot High while human Sunset would come to Equestria to start a new life. Seeing human Sunset adapted in her pony form, as Twilight’s student, and learning Equestrian culture would keep FIM going. Also both Sunset’s would be members of the Council of Friendship.

    All the non-ponies would definitely help alter Gen 4 and 5. It’s sad to say both Hasbro and IDW have written out all except the dragons like they never excited. Zecora, Little Strongheart, Capper, Captain Celaeno, and Autumn Blaze would help explain more of their culture and land since we still have a lot more to learn from them since we know the others. Scorpan is perhaps one that fans have wanted to see since we would see his kingdom, customs, and be a mentor to Spike.

    Seeing alicorns in Friendship is Magic would truly make the two Generations have no connection. There were high hopes of seeing other alicorns but that should be to Twilight and her friends and not Sunny and her friends. This would truly explain why Celestia choose Twilight as the new ruler of Equestria. Perhaps she, her friends, here family, here students, and Flash were meant to bring harmony within the alicorns to come out of hiding and deal with a civil war between 2 factions.

    If you were among the writers, how would you make Friendship is Magic and A New Generation have no connection?


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