• 30 Of the Best Fanfics to Read for Rainbow Dash Day!

    It is once again dashie day, and she's somehow the mascot of reading when it comes to poni, so you better do the thing. This is for newer fanfics. Hit up the previous post if you want more. Thanks to Whisper Key for scouting it all!

    Go read below.


    Slice of Life




    Something On Your Back by Faeforches [4k words]


    Rainbow Dash's late afternoon errand run is almost spoiled by a particular orange filly who finds her mentor and idol to be the perfect sleeping spot after a long day.

    Sure, Dash could put her to bed, but why waste an opportunity for some quality time?

    Now if only her friends would stop noticing what she's doing.


    The 'M' Word by Cxcd [8k words]


    In the morning, it was peaceful. Afternoon, however? Scootaloo was wishing she had invented a time machine and stopped herself.


    Making Do by Lurks-no-More [3k words]


    Rainbow Dash can handle busting the clouds or bringing in a weather front in her sleep, but there's more to being the captain of the Ponyville Weather Patrol than just the weather work.

    With the roof of the Town Hall wrecked by lightning, Dash has to deal with not just the increasingly irate Mayor, but also her second-in-command Cloudkicker's impending nervous breakdown, and one highly apologetic, wall-eyed pegasus...


    Mother of Wisdom by Acologic [13k words]


    Rainbow Dash returns to aerial racing. As the dream dissolves, a stumbling prospect catches her eye – a pony that no other would touch with a bargepole.


    Rainbow Dash Always Dresses In Style by Daelyx Len Auphydas [4k words]


    When Scootaloo hears from Sweetie Belle that a number of last season's merchandise was leftover at Rarity's Boutique, the young filly gets a mischievous idea regarding her idol. After all, if anypony can make frilly, out-of-style fashion cool... It's Rainbow Dash.


    An Umbrella Kind Of Day by 6-D Pegasus [1k words]


    Rainbow Dash buys an umbrella on a rainy day, and everypony wants to know why.


    Rainbow Dash Explains Wingboners to the Ponyville Writers Group by Mockingbirb [6k words]


    Rainbow Dash finds herself working as a 'sensitivity reader,' and tries to prevent a series of literary murders.


    Rainbow Dash Reads the Manual by Bandy [1k words]


    Operation Manual

    P3G-SUSpensor Mana-Charged Wing Braces

    a product of

    the Healthcare and Assisted Mobility division of

    P3G Systems

    "For All of Life's Ups and Downs"

    The P3G-SUSpensor Mana-Charged Wing Brace is intended for personal use only and is not certified for commercial or industrial applications. Warranty covers manufacturing defects under normal operating conditions for a period of 12 months from date of purchase. Damage caused by misuse, unauthorized modifications, or neglect is not covered. This system complies with safety standards EQU-23-1.1 of the Equestrians with Disabilities Act. Consult a qualified healthcare professional before using this device to ensure compatibility with your specific needs and conditions.


    The Last Wrap Up by Decaf [2k words]


    Winter Wrap Up was an annual tradition that Rainbow Dash and Applejack participated in every year. Now it will never happen again.









    Starlight accidentally turns Rainbow Dash into a Car by ThistleZoey [4k words]


    Starlight accidentally turns Rainbow Dash into a car. Pinkie Pie accidentally wagers Twilight's castle on a wacky race against the Flim Flam brothers.


    MoodWings by CrimsonWolf360 [1k words]


    Twilight's ascension to alicornhood came with many new trials and tribulations. From her new duties as a princess, to learning to fly under her own new two wings, everything has been a new and exciting experience. However, what she didn't even know, was that wings tend to have more uses then just flying.

    They also happen to be an integral part of pegasus body language. Surely she hasn't made any accidental faux passes or misunderstood any gestures from the local pegasi in town... right?


    Unfounded Confidence by FanOfMostEverything [4k words]


    Rainbow Dash is mare enough to admit when she's wrong about something's coolness, awesomeness, and/or radicalness. She'd barely even heard of Ogres & Oubliettes before Discord turned Namepending Castle into a LARP, and while the version without chaos magic isn't for her, it's opened up a whole new world of fun that her friends and fellow Wonderbolts are eager to help her explore.

    The good news is that Dash will approach it with the same passion she has for anything that captures her interest.

    That's also the bad news.


    Substitution by TCC56 [5k words]


    On the last mission to save Equestria, Rainbow Dash was hurt. Not critically and she'll heal, but for now she's grounded. But she also promised that she'd do a Sonic Rainboom at the next Wonderbolts show for Scootaloo's parents, and she is not going to let her girl down.

    Solution: get another Rainbow Dash.

    There's just two problems.

    First, Spitfire knows her team backwards and forwards and she's not fooled.

    Second, the human Rainbow Dash doesn't actually know how to do a Rainboom as a pony.

    I'm sure this won't cause any problems.


    Do Unicorns Fart Rainbows? by Catweazle [2k words]


    While having lunch with Twilight and Rarity at the boutique, Rainbow Dash sees the opportunity to ask her friends if a certain rumour about unicorns is true.


    A Complete Lack of Jealousy From All Involved by MrNumbers [9k words]


    It's an interesting situation - it's not every day that you get to see the outcome of the road not taken, what might have been. As the married Applejack and Rainbow Dash talk to the dating Applejack and Rarity, they get a bit competitive over who made the better choice.

    The other Rainbow Dash and Rarity think it was obviously them.


    Pinkie Pegasus by Lets Do This [15k words]


    Rainbow Dash finds out that asking your friends for help can lead to unexpected results. Especially if one of those friends is a party-pegasus named Pinkie.

    Another visit to the world(s) of earth-pony Twilight, where things are not always as simple as they seem...


    Rainbow's In The Roof And We Can't Get Her Down by Estee [9k words]


    The perfect place for Rainbow to practice her stunts is obviously wherever the conditions are right, and the fact that she set up those ideal conditions directly over the cottage? That lets a friend serve as an appreciative audience. The fact that Fluttershy's trying to conduct repairs on part of the sod roof shouldn't mean anything more than 'It's keeping her from spotting the damage to the grounds which came from the last attempt'.

    Because sometimes practice goes wrong. This time, the fallout from that last failed spiral left Rainbow partially embedded in the sod, and there's all sorts of reasons why she can't just get herself out. But it won't be a problem for long -- not once her friends get involved. You'd think that the diversity of talents, intellects, and magic represented by the Bearers could solve this in an instant!

    You'd really like to think that.


    Running Gag by FanOfMostEverything [2k words]


    Rainbow Dash's birthday is tomorrow, and her friends are all scouring Canterlot Mall.

    Make no mistake, most of them already have gifts lined up, but they want to show their appreciation for everything Dash has done over the past year. Including the pranks, the pointing and laughing, that time she made all their magic spiral out of control...

    It'll definitely take something special to say everything they want to. It's just a matter of finding it.









    Late Night Snack by GrangeDisplay [1k words]


    Apple Bloom ventures to the kitchen to grab a late-night snack, but instead, she finds Rainbow Dash.


    Memento Mori by Perfectly Insane [2k words]


    Rainbow encounters somepony on one of her patrols.

    It doesn't go how you expect.


    Memories Returned by Jake The Army Guy [7k words]


    As Rainbow Dash Flies East, those left behind must endure.


    Sleepless in Ponyville by samble [1k words]


    It's 2:08am, Rainbow Dash can't sleep, and she has to get up in six hours. The same story every night.









    Tempest Tossed by AugieDog [5k words]


    Rainbow Dash has only ever been in love once. So when that love's threatened, she'll smash her way through the entire universe if she has to in order to set things right.


    Hey babe, quick favor. by Monochromatic [1k words]


    If there was one thing about dating Rainbow Dash that Rarity knew, it was this: Rainbow Dash would get herself into situations–so many situations–and half of them would be to honor your love. There is nothing you can do about it, but take it in stride, and love her regardless.

    Which Rarity did. Just as much as she sometimes wanted to kill her.

    She wouldn’t have it any other way.









    Evaporated Promises by Test4Echo [3k words]


    It was the zenith of her life aspirations. Rainbow Dash had finally achieved the status she always craved: becoming a true Wonderbolt. Not some trainee, not a reservist, but a fully fledged, bona fide Wonderbolt! So what if she had a bit of a crazy night after that first show? She deserved it! However, why is her whole body feeling like it's been put through the wringer? Why can't she move?

    And what's that bloody beeping?!


    Grounding by MasterThief [11k words]


    Rainbow Dash finds herself off flight status after being injured while on Weather Duty, and ends up back at home. In the midst of the pain in her wings, and self-doubts about her future, she hears the stories of her father--and her namesake--that remind her of who she is.

    For her future may be closer than she realizes... and there is nothing to fear.


    Late Night Woes by Wrangle Wolfe [4k words]


    It's late night at the Carousel Boutique, and though Rainbow Dash isn't fond of matters of the heart, she's exactly what Rarity needs; somepony who will just speak her mind and be there for her, lifting her up in the process. After all, messy breakups are the worst to heal through.


    My Little Dashie's Teenage Rebellion, In Which She Tells Her Daddy That His Plan To Keep Her 'Safe' SUCKS by Mockingbirb [2k words]


    In "My Little Dashie," Dashie's adoptive father 'gets lucky' at a casino, and buys a secluded house out in the country. Dashie has no other friends, and mows the lawn for pocket money.

    But what if the little family had chosen a different path? What if Rainbow had told her daddy that his plan SUCKED?









    Fusion by SockPuppet [5k words]


    Ensign Rainbow Dash, Royal Manticoran Navy, thought her past was behind her. She was wrong.









    Ynanhluutr by Imploding Colon [424k words]


    A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.


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