QFF Retold Three comics have gotten updates today. Start with QFF, and get more New Phase and Dracula below.
Radio Plays: Hopeless Love: We Meet Again #2 / So Close, Yet So Far: Midnight's Reign EP 0.5
by SethistoWe have the second episode of Hopeless Love today, and the short pilot for another upcoming radio play series. Head on down below for both!
Izzy always looked good in glasses. I wish they kept that up.
Time for art! Get it below.
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by erufi -
Source Derpy returns tomorrow for her big day. Will you join her?
To submit for Derpy Day, send an email to SubmitEQD@gmail.com with what it is, so DERPY DAY - OPEN ART as the title of your email for open art!
Submissions close at 11:59 PM PST tonight, so get those Derpy things in.
It's that time again for art, starting with these adorable princess ponies right here.
Get art below!
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Donuts by PolnocnyKot on Deviantart -
She did not, in fact, get the bells right. I guess a lot was lost in the years between G5 and G4. At least the hat matches!
We had an unreleased episode of Tell Your Tale called "Pump-Kin-Night", and the usual group releasing these has dropped a bunch of concept art and the script off. We are officially out of animatics outside of the specials apparently, but they are saying those will release soon.
Go get the shots below!
Today we plushies. starting with a character we haven't seen many plushies of at all.
Go get the rest below!
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New Generation - Allura prototype by Azdaracylius on Deviantart -
Author: GeodesicDragon
Description: Late one night, Mayor Mare is on her way home after a hard day's work when she sees a light on in Cheerilee's house. Deciding that going to bed can wait, she takes the opportunity to spend some time with an old friend.
Cheerilee welcomes her in and, over some wine, the two of them have a discussion about what is, what was, and what might have been.
The Teacher And The Mayor
Time for another preview! This time for upcoming Case of the Missing Puff. And check out the reveal of this one over here for all the details.
Go get it below. Expect it on the 19th of March.
Artist - badumsquish We are half a week away from Derpy Day on the 1st of March!
To submit for Derpy Day, send an email to SubmitEQD@gmail.com with what it is, so DERPY DAY - OPEN ART as the title of your email for open art!
Now make Derpy things!
Comics: Equestria Stories Shorts - Lupiarts / Adorkable - No Context Yellow Snow / Startrix Crowd
by SethistoAdorkable - No Context Yellow Snow The ponies are adorkable, the Starlight is a little chaotic, and more E Stories! Get them above and below as always.
The princesses will be humanized. And everyone else too.
Go get anthro and humans below.
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by libbly_libby -
Author: CozyGlow5
Description: When the photographer from the Canterlot Historical Society shows up to photograph Twilight and her friends, Twilight knows that she's not actually from the Canterlot Historical Society. She's actually Queen Chrysalis in disguise, and she has something sinister up her sleeve. Now if only Twilight could prove it...
A short one-shot based on a dumb joke that popped into my head. Is it realistic? Not at all. Did I have a blast writing it? Yes. Yes, I did.
The Ultimate Sign of Pure Evil
The friendship mares will entertain you once again! Do you accept their fan-favorite outfits?
Time for art! go get it all below.
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by zeon_kanayu -
That is one chaotic horse right there! Lana always impresses.
Time for plushies. Get them below.
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Screwloose by LanaCraft on Deviantart -
We are now roughly two years into crossing the boundary between the super early version of Dalle producing nightmare fuel, to AI art becoming more and more difficult to detect. While only a handful of people are exploring the cutting edge of this tech due to the cost of graphics cards, it is still relatively common to see an adorable pony on Twitter and not realize she is AI until later.
I go through this stuff every day and still get fooled all the time if my brain is on autopilot. That's how most of us browse the internet. We are bombarded with thousands of pictures and most likely gloss right over them without really thinking much about it.
Unfortunately, constantly being tricked has shifted many people into another state of mind. The HYPER aware. Where "EVERYTHING IS AI until proven otherwise!!". Today we dive into that new trend that has been a regular occurrence in the EQD submit box, and hopefully stop some of the newer artists around the internet from being damaged by these "AI detectives".
Ponies hugging is always an adorable pose. And something our new AI overlords can't pull off very well yet! Celebrate the real art with today's gallery.
Go get it below.
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by mithriss -
Artist - t72b Derpy Day returns on the 1st of March!
To submit for Derpy Day, send an email to SubmitEQD@gmail.com with what it is, so DERPY DAY - OPEN ART as the title of your email for open art!
Now go draw funni Derpy stuff.