• Fanfiction (Scouted): A Hearth's Warming Game


    Author: Wanderer D

    Description: When Shining was under Chrysalis' spell, they both enjoyed doing something that Cadance—the True Cadance that is—would never, EVER do, or contemplate doing.

    Something so abhorrent that the thought of it repelled her. Something so mind-breaking and insane that when she found Flurry Heart liked to do as well with her dad, she fought with herself to come to grips with the mere concept of it... until Flurry asked her to join them at it on Hearth's Warming Eve.

    ...Playing Ogres and Oubliettes.

    As a pony used to being seen outside and usually part of the socialites of Canterlot, her knowledge in this act is almost null. She just knows it involves something with dice... and she dared not ask anypony else of good standing about it.

    So that just left... Chrysalis. Does Cadance have what it takes to give her husband the present he's always wanted and say goodbye to her cool pony card? Only one way to find out.

    A Hearth's Warming Game

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