It's pretty obvious that Equestria is pretty equine dominated. At least from what we've seen and the maps that were teased over the years, every major city is a pony one, and it does seem to be the most technologically advanced society compared to say, the kirin, yaks, or griffons.
What do you think these other races think of ponies? Are the Abyssians jealous of their friendship filled borderline-utopia? Do Griffons wish they had the same ridiculously powerful leadership?
Go discuss Equestrian geo-politics below! What could go wrong.
Zecora almost never gets a header here, so start with that today!
Go get lots of anthro and human below.
[2] Source
by animesoul -
The bats will bathe. It's time for art! Go get lots of cute equine drawings below.
[0] Source
by lunarlacepony -
Source G5 almost had an Equestria Girls, and almost 60% of you probably would have watched it! I wonder how that timeline would have looked?
New Poll: Which Pony Would You Want to Roommate With?
Go vote on the side bar, and get these results below!