4everfreebrony has released a new track from his album Hoping, remastering a song from him, along with GigglyMaria and Relative1Pitch.
Go check it out below!
It's always nice to header with some simple Pinkie Pie. Go get lots of art to go with her below too!
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by zokkili -
Author: CrimsonWolf360
Description: Twilight's ascension to alicornhood came with many new trials and tribulations. From her new duties as a princess, to learning to fly under her own new two wings, everything has been a new and exciting experience. However, what she didn't even know, was that wings tend to have more uses then just flying.
They also happen to be an integral part of pegasus body language. Surely she hasn't made any accidental faux passes or misunderstood any gestures from the local pegasi in town... right?
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