I know some Bronies who think Sunset Shimmer here is pretty hot, but this is getting ridiculous! Ba dum tss! Seriously though, that's one seriously badass Sunset. She got the shades, the necklace, the leather jacket, the epic mane, and the dynamic backdrop all goin on. Welcome to Monday night!Share This!
Source Pinkie Pie Day arrives October 7th! It's time to get those submissions in.
To submit, send an email to submiteqd@gmail.com with Pinkie Pie day followed by what it is, so Pinkie Pie Day - OPEN ART for the open art section.
Celebrate the party pony! She deserves it.
That's an adorable Fluttershy right there. The world needds more Fluttershy.
Go get lots of awesome plushies below!
[1] Source
40 faux fur Fluttershy by calusariAC on Deviantart -
Would you watch this fascinating cartoon where the ponies are now all creatures?
Time for art! Go get it all below as always.
[0] Source
Band by BuvanyBu on Deviantart -
Source It's all updates today! Clones, HWM, Alicorn of Magic, and more are your comics. Get them above and below as always.
Author: Donnys Boy
Description: Applejack tries to write a love letter. She mostly fails. A TwiJack story, set somewhere in early Season 4.
Dear Twilight Sparkle