• Nightly Discussion #3681


    Celestia is eepy. She is eepy and she needs the sleepy. While Tia hunkers down for some much needed rest, why not a little discussion?

  • My Little Pony: Bridlewood RP Roblox Event Adds Crystal Tearoom

    For all the Roblox fans out there, the Bridlewood RP game over there has added a new update that unlocks a brand new location to explore. The crystal tea room has opened up its doors, and within you will be able to drink tea and enjoy the comfy atmosphere you've seen of it from the movie, with Alphabittle providing commentary. 

    They've also added a monthly subscription system and improved pegasus flight. 

    Check it out here.

    Follow Sethisto on  Twitter and Bluesky!
  • Poll Results: If You Got Into Pony From Fan Content, What Was It?

    While this poll leans largely toward people getting into pony via official content, I find it fascinating that almost 60% of you found it via fan content. I wonder what piece over the years converted most? Animation is at the top, and we had some pretty epic animation projects.

    New poll: What Piece of Modern Official Pony Content Did You Watch First?

    Go vote on the side bar and get these results below.

  • Everfree Northwest Announces 2025 Dates and First Guests of Honor!

    What an amazing weekend. I probably need to a week to recover from this weekend's fun and excitement!

    Speaking of excitement, Everfree Northwest will return for another fun filled weekend August 22nd - 24th, 2025!

    The above dates were announced during EFNW 's closing ceremonies. However along with that announcement, the first two guests for the convention were revealed!

    Andrea Libman and Tabitha St. Germain are the first guests for EFNW 2025! Signing two of the actresses behind the G4 Mane 6 for next year's show right at the get go is amazing. I wonder if this means we'll be seeing more... but there is a sure fire way to find out.

    Badges for next year's convention are available now and can be purchased here

    The earlier a convention badge is purchased, the more funds the convention has to bring in more VIP guests. And community guests. And potentially new merchandise ideas! 

    I need plushies of Novella and Sharp Focus! And I want them next year!

    So, if there is anyone specific you want to see as a VIP or if there is anything new you want to see at Everfeee, be sure to purchase a badge and place in a suggestion on EFNW's discord server ASAP.

    And since I want to be the type of person who puts his money where his mouth is, I have already purchased my badge for next con! Hope to see you there next year!

  • Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #4851

    The kirin are arriving in mass, and everyone loves them.

    Go get a bunch of art below while we set up the embassy.

    [0] Source
    by zekra

  • Many Thanks for the Overwhelming Support!

    Art - Confetticakez

    I said I'd be more social yesterday in that post about the future of EQD, but I wasn't expecting the crazy amount of DM's, emails, and everything else I got about it all! I'm still working my way through them but I figured I'd put something up this morning expressing my gratitude for all of the love for the site. I sometimes forget that there really are a huge amount of people still following this place. 

    I'll do my absolute best to keep EQD serving up the pony content. It's not going to just up and die one day hopefully. If anything I'd pass the torch on to someone else.

    And for those worried about my health, I have actually gotten two separate cardiologists to check the heart palpitations from my ADHD meds and they have both signed off that it's fine as long as I take them in moderation, which I definitely do. I'm also physically fit in general just from rotating side habits of hiking, running, swimming, and gym, so that helps a lot in keeping me healthy. With diet changes a few years ago I'm probably the best shape of my life currently. Outside of getting older of course~

    In fact, any future regular normy job I get would hopefully be in some forest somewhere. I do love me some nature. I've spent a long time on the internet and crave the touching of grass.This is an amazing technology we've come up with, but it can be a little all-consuming.

    Anyway, I just wanted to get a quick update out. I'm still getting through all the people asking to help the site and you might see some new faces here soon. If you sent a message and I haven't gotten to it yet, I still have a lot of emails to read so I'll get to them soon! You all do tend to send a lot of words :3

    Onward to more poni!

    Follow Sethisto on  Twitter and Bluesky!
  • Animation: Rule the World

    Glimmer will rule the world! It is demanded.

    We've got a new animator on the block, with a music video dedicated to Glimmy's domination of her little cult town.

    Head on down below for it.

  • Paper Derpy's First Movie ~Chapter 7~

    Wow, we haven't seen paper Derpy in a while! We've got a new video from Yoshi Greenwater starring her for the first time in many years. Check it out below!

  • Morning Discussion #3478


    Care to join Lyra on the sofa while you eat breakfast? I'm sure she'd enjoy the company. Good morning, pony peeps! Discussion time!