Today's the day for another pony appreciation day, this time starring everyone's favorite odd couple Lyra and Bon Bon! Background ponies that have stuck with us throughout the entire show's run, they still live on in the fandom generating pics, stories and more!If this is your first time experiencing one of our appreciation days make sure to stop in throughout the day to check for Bon Bon and Lyra related posts with comics, pics, stories and more!We hope you all have a great day and enjoy!
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Nightly Discussion #3630
by CalpainWouldn't you love to go to the beach with these goofs? It is the start of the weekend after all!Evening my friends! Hope you are all doing well! Ready to chat and get things going?
I know I'm not the only one who thought Kotobukiya was done with poni, but here we are 2 years since we last posted them with a brand new teaser for both Chrysalis and Cadance! They don't have any prototypes or even concepts up yet, but the announcement says they are currently in development.We will keep you posted as always!
Over in Israel, a shopping center called Dizengoff is apparently running a My Little Pony G5 event. They don't have a ton of information on it yet, but the cafe opens on the 21st of July and lasts all the way until the 30th, with availability from Sunday-Thursday 10:00-20:00 | Fridays 9:00-15:00 (Tel Aviv Time). I'm sure we will see lots of pictures of it once everything is underway.
Thanks to aaa for the heads up!
I will continue to enjoy the Roseluck weird fanons, while you all look at art. Go get it below.
[1] Source
Roze Playing with B A L L S by JeffaPegas on Deviantart -
Source This is your final call for Lyra and Bonbon submissions!
To submit, send an email to submiteqd@gmail.com with LYRA AND BONBON DAY followed by what it is as the subject, so LYRA AND BONBON DAY - OPEN ART for the open art post.
As always, be sure to get them in before 11:59 PM PST or they might not make it up!
Morning Discussion #3427
by CalpainSome lovely Lunas for your morning as night gives way to day. She'll see you tonight!Morning everyone, I wish you all well! Got some good sleep I hope?