Nightly Discussion #3586
by CalpainCollege-bound Twilight is adorable~ Just look how happy she is in her dorm room. Were you this excited about starting college?Evening my friends, how are you now that half the week is over? Ready to chat?
Source Fanon Vs. Canon. It's a never-ending battle here in horseland. Whether you fall in the camp that ships a specific pair of lesbian horses that they haven't come out and confirm yet despite loads of hints, or something sillier, we will debate some things until the end of time.
In the case of Friendship is Magic, many brony fandom ideas ended up becoming canon just from our closeness to the show staff. Derpy is one of the shining examples of that.
Are there any concepts that you just consider canon even without confirmation? Drop it down below!
Loads of New My Little Pony Toys and Merchandise Revealed at Las Vegas Licensing Expo 2024
by Trixie LulamoonThe world of pony merchandise is expanding again with a load of new stuff revealed from Hasbro at Las Vegas Licensing Expo 2024. A lot of things are targeted completely at China and other international locations, but hopefully they will bring it all to the west as well.
Head on down below for a gallery of what we've seen come in so far. Some things are repeats from the Chinese announcements a few weeks ago.
No, your eyes do not deceive you. International travel set me pretty far behind the comic release schedule and so I'm running to catch up. So let's take a look back at the Kenbucky Roller Derby.
The mini-series keeps on a-rolling as we get a look into Tracy Tailspin's history and how the Kenbucky Roller Derby forced her retirement. The results are... not what I expected. Let's look things over and see what this story says about mentors and their role in a story.op 2:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, IDW, Mini Series Comic, News, Official Comic, Review, Set Your Sail, Tell Your Tale -
I cant resist headering with these two when I can, so have them and get lots of art below!
[1] Source
by cao9591791 -
Source We are halfway to Vinyl and Octavia Day!
To submit, send your stuff to Submiteqd@gmail.com with the email subjectVINYL AND OCTAVIA DAY followed by what it is, so VINYL AND OCTAVIA DAY - OPEN ART for the open art post.
Now sent me some music ponies.
My Little Pony: Set Your Sail #2 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q
Are you ready foals?!
That just doesn't have the same ring to it. In any case, I hope you are ready because our friends at IDW Publishing have once again released a brand new comic available!
Which as always you can go check out after the break!
Morning Discussion #3383
by CalpainI always liked the older Fluttershy look, she certainly aged gracefully, don't you think?Morning everyone, welcome to Wednesday! How are you all doing? Ready to chat?