Nightly Discussion #3543
by CalpainIt has been a while since we had Pinkie for an ND header! How about you relax and let Pinkie make sure you have a great evening!Hello everyone, hope today treated you all well. Ready to chat?
It seems even after over a decade of Youtube airing people's pony content, Hasbro is still the chaotic entity it always has been when it comes to what is and isn't allowed for pony.
This time around there have been multiple high profile takedowns, along with a few smaller creators. DWK, LittleshyFiM, and Tridashie have all been targeted, with several videos over on DWK's channel getting the boot, along with a crazy situation where one of Tridashie's Youtube Poops was removed, followed by LittleshyFiM getting an actual copyright takedown for featuring the video in the usual Top 10 Pony Videos we've posted for years.
When appealed, Hasbro straight up rejected it and refuses to respond with anything at all. Strikes aren't your usual takedown either. 3 of those and a channel is basically gone.
Many channels have started mirroring content elsewhere like Ponytube and even chinese site Bilibili, which Tridashie detailed in his recent release.
Unfortunately all we can really do is wait and see where this goes. It could be staff swaps internally at Hasbro trying to prove themselves, a completely automated system (and considering how AI happy corporations are getting this wouldn't be surprising), or simply an error. Feel free to drop your theories below!
LYRA. Lyra.
Go get today's art below!
[0] Source
Lyra Heartstrings by GalacticGuardian on Deviantart -
China is really going all in on the pony train lately aren't they? We've got even more merchandise coming from over there, starring 154 trading cards to collect of various ponies from the show in a variety of designs.
There's a pretty good chance we won't see these flood the rest of the world, but at least you can go look at them below.
For whatever reason Funko has continued their NFT concept for future pony figures with another lineup following the ones that released back in 2022. I honestly thought the entire concept died off, but here we are!
The new toys include princess Twilight, Daybreaker, Applejack, and King Sombra
Get pictures below.
This is your last call for submissions for Bat & Kirin day!
To submit, send an email to [email protected] with BATS AND KIRINS as the subject followed by what it is, so BATS AND KIRINS - OPEN ART for Open Art.
Submits close tonight at 11:59 PM PST, so you have little while left!
Description:Anon, after a seminar out in Manehattan, is due back home at eight. When he's over an hour late, Twilight starts to overthink things - right up until she hears snow boots crunching outside her front door.
Train Troubles
Morning Discussion #3340
by CalpainGrilled cheese might not be a breakfast food, but, honestly, grilled cheese sounds good at just about any time of the day.Morning everyone, hope you are all well! Ready to chat?