Nightly Discussion #3530
by CalpainWe've made it through half the week everyone! Make sure you get plenty of rest, we still have a couple days left till the weekend!Evening my friends, how are you all doing? Ready to chat?
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I didn't see many complaints about Luna, but apparently Symbiote Studios is giving her an overhaul in her next round of production. Revisions include bigger, less agressive eyes, a wider nose bridge, and general wing revisions. according to their Twitter.
They expect to ship the next round in July.
The Gameloft pony game just keeps on updating even all these years later. They've breezified the ponies, and have a limited adventure available:
Hi, everypony! New adventures are ready!
• New Limited-Time Story: Return to Breezie Hollow. Join Fluttershy as she leads Equestria's first-ever state visit to Breezie Hollow!
• The Flower Power Shop! Critters and fun, festive ponies are heralding the coming of spring and all the sunshiny treats it entails! Get into the spirit of the warm and welcoming season by checking out the seasonal shop!
Enjoy new adventures!
The third installment in the Kenbucky Roller Derby series arrives on the 17th of April, and we've got a one page preview to get the hype rolling for it.
Go get it below, and get all of the information on this one we know so far over at the announcement post.
Source Open Music arrives once again, where all skill levels are welcome! Go check it out below, give them feedback, and keep this music train going!
The seasons aspect of Story of the Seasons has arrived from Renegade, with the Summer page getting a full reveal today. I wonder if we can convince some of those big name D&D livestream people to do a campaign with these books? That would be fun to see.
And if you want to pre-order this book, you can find it here.
Morning Discussion #3328
by CalpainSome Starlight to greet you this morning to give your day a bit of a glimmer.Morning everyone, hope your week is going ok so far! Ready to get the ball rolling?