Nightly Discussion #3513
by CalpainThat silly Derpy, stealing a whole hour from us! At least she'll give it back in the fall.Evening everyone, I hope you all had a lovely Sunday! Ready to chat?
Source Spike gets a lot of flack from much of the fandom (a lot of which is joking I know), but I am here to ask: How do you really feel about Spike?
Honestly, I think he is a great character in FiM (I'm going to pretend this question doesn't also have implications for G5, but if you have something to say about that okay x_x). His writting does change a lot over the course of the series (at the start he is written more like a small child, and by the end more like a teenager), but he has always had value to rounding out the main cast. A lot of people think he is overly clingy or that he is cringe, but I think some of the better episodes of the series are good because of Spike (I like "Equestria Games" lol). He also is an all important member of the guy's club with Big Mac and Discord. Where would we be without those episodes lol.
What do you think? Discuss Below.
Author: Rune Soldier Dan
Description: Opaline had stolen the cutie marks from half of Equestria and was rapidly conquering the rest. Even the fake alicorn Sunny Starscout and her minions were faltering before her. One more push would bring Opaline to her final victory.
Then she surrendered.
And even Opaline doesn’t know why.
I, Opaline
The G5 ponies will chill. It is very comfy.
Go get awesome art below!
[1] Source
Slice of Ponyville by JowyB on Deviantart -
Morning Discussion #3311
by CalpainCare for some hot chocolate on this chilly morning?Hello everyone! Hope you survived the time change ok. Ready to start off this Sunday on the right foot?