Nightly Discussion #3485
by CalpainAlways fun to break this one out around Super Bowl time! Any of you at any parties tonight? If so, have fun and make sure to enjoy yourself in moderation. Don't want to turn a fun night into a sick night, heh.Regardless, how about we get to chatting, eh?
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A brand new generation with no connection to any past generation is what people crave! How will Hasbro deliver on this lofty dream? Personally, I hope for BAT.
New Poll Time: If Hasbro Creates a New Generation of Ponies, Should the Mane Cast Have Male Ponies?
Get these results below and go vote on the new one on the side bar!
Rainbow Power sure was a shortly lived concept. I'm glad some people are still keeping it alive in the figures.
Go get a gallery customs and pony figures below!
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by aachi-chan -
Source You get one pony to take with you from Equestria into the real world. Who is it and why?
This is a tough question because I'm not sure how much any pony would like it. I would choose Luna, if she would allow it. I would much like to spend some time with her, and I don't care the world it is in. A nice relaxing night with her under the stars always is the dream. She has already done all she needs to in Equestria, so this could be her retirement/Valinor lol.
If Luna doesn't like the offer, I guess I would just have to default to the one I know would, Lyra :P.
Who do you choose? Discuss Below.
Dash is happy. Celebrate happy Dash and get lots of art in today's gallery below.
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by yukkuri_yu_yu -
Source This is your last call for Student Six Day submissions. The event happens tomorrow!
To Submit, sent an email to SubmitEQD@gmail.com with STUDENT SIX DAY as the subject, followed by with it is, so STUDENT SIX DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
Submits close on tonight at 11:59 PM PST. Send em in!
Morning Discussion #3283
by CalpainNow that's one proud Dragon Lord!Morning everyone, welcome to Sunday! Any of you watching the Big Game tonight?