Happy Luna Day! I got my hands on a Symbiote Luna for occasion, who tends to be a tough one to pick up since her stock tends to disappear due to the crazy demand. Keep an eye on her page for it though and hopefully you can get your hands on some moon princess soon!
Tomorrow EQD is actually publishing a full FAQ Style interview with the CEO of Symbiote, Joseph Reiter. It's being edited up today and should be ready to go. It answers a LOT of questions about how things are done there, and also reveals some pretty epic stuff on the way.
Anyway, Luna review time! Go get Symbiote's Luna below.
First off, a size comparison. Luna here is surprisingly accurate if you compare the size of her to Twilight via a show screenshot. She's just slightly bigger than your average pony. She's also feature compete, with her horse shoes, crown, and neck gorget thing that I don't know the actual name of.
And of course, her trademark flowy mane and tail. They both look really good, not skimping out on the two colors like some plushies have over the years and even embroidering little stars throughout:
In fact, the embroidery on this plushie in general is really impressive. It definitely has the same level of quality as my handmade ones that I have dominating my couch right now.
The only oddity here I see is the strangely fierce expression from the front. Considering she looks completely peaceful from the side, It's kind of a funny trick of the way her eyebrows are shaped. I know in my lifesize Luna plushie the mane actually covers part of her eyes and changes her expression entirely from the front, but it seems like she's still a little determined even with it up! It's a minor thing and only really noticeable straight on, but I thought it was funny enough to mention.
The big standout feature here is the wings. They are huge, and have a wire running through them so you can pose them in a variety of ways. They also rotate, letting you set them either vertical of horizontal, depending on what you prefer. It adds a lot of flexibility to the plushie, as you can see in previous shots up there where I have them down.
She also runs with the dual sided cutiemarks, something that companies sometimes ditch in favor of single sided even on G4 plush sometimes. I always preferred them on both, especially in the case of Lune since hers are such an important part of her overall design.

And finally a closeup of the tag since I know a lot of you are sticklers for the information. In the interview being posted tomorrow, they actually go into detail on their crafting process. It sounds like there's a lot of hand-stitching going on, with each piece being worked on by a team of seamstresses. Symbiote apparently has complete control over all of this production, which is why we are getting so many background ponies out of them. More on that in the interview tomorrow though! It's honestly fascinating to find out what goes on behind the scenes.