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Your Luna fanfic flood has arrived! Read about Luna and all things moon.
This list is different from last year. Find more moony fics over here. And thanks to fanfic scout Whisper Key for digging them up!
Now go get them all below.
Slice of Life
Show Me The Stars by 6-D Pegasus [4k words]
A young boy in the city dreams of seeing the stars through the smog. Far away, somepony hears his dreams.
Consider the Spider by Ice Star [2k words]
Luna is a strange mare. Cadance is only now just starting to see how strange she is when Luna mentions the unthinkable. Maybe she'll learn something new in the process.
A Gift's Meaning by 6-D Pegasus [4k words]
Celestia talks to Luna after she sends Twilight a living pony as a Hearth's Warming gift. Things only go downhill from there.
I See A Cold Wind by overlord-flinx [4k words]
Hearth's Warming Eve is nearly upon Canterlot once again. The city is abustle with holiday shoppers and busy little ponies, but they all have the same thing on their mind: The Hearth's Warming Play!
Ponies from all across Equestria come to audition for the distinguished honor of being in that year's playbill. Whether it's as a stagehand, a contributor, or the coveted actor, it was just an honor to be listed. This year however, an even greater honor was on offer: to share the stage with Princess Celestia herself!
Well, it wasn't yet decided what role she'd be playing, but she was auditioning! Of course she was going to get a role! Why wouldn't she? It was a shoo-in. Especially with her sister Luna waiting in the wings to support her.
The Greatest Gift Is You by Level Dasher [3k words]
It’s Princess Luna’s first Hearth’s Warming since she returned from her banishment, and her first in Canterlot Castle. Things have changed in Equestria, and it will take her time to catch up with the current day and age.
Perhaps some sisterly bonding is a good place to start.
The Sunset Shimmer Report by Mockingbirb [1k words]
An accurate student progress report for Sunset Shimmer might get her expelled, or perhaps institutionalized.
Fortunately, Vice Principal Luna knows how to write...tactfully.
The Thing About Chess by Odd_Sarge [1k words]
Prince Blueblood intends to challenge his auntie to a game of chess. He’s committed to the belief that it’s a thinking mare’s game, and that his auntie is the thinking mare.
Maybe this year, he’ll learn the truth.
Celestia knows he won’t.
Eclipse Awareness (Or Lack Thereof) by 6-D Pegasus [4k words]
With the end of the reign of the Two Sisters, Celestia and Luna decide to raise the sun and moon together in one final solar eclipse. Where it once represented the rebellion of the moon against the sun, it would now represent a display of stellar beauty where the sun and moon rise together in harmony. It would mark the transition to a new time of peace for Equestria, under Princess Twilight.
Too bad they forgot to notify Twilight about this. Or anypony else for that matter.
This will end well.
Luna Fights a Vending Machine by ulcuran [2k words]
There is a weird machine placed in the halls of the castle, everyone knows what it does. It's not a mystery at all. Princess Luna's unexplainable hatred of the machine is the real mystery.
Shall she prevail against overwhelming odds or lose herself in the deepest of pits? Let's find out.
The Night Will Last For As Long As Is Convenient by 8_Bit [1k words]
Nightmare Moon was banished for one thousand years. She had more than enough time to plan her return. Every aspect was intricately planned down to the letter, for maximum dramatic effect to instill sufficient terror in her future subjects that they would bow down without question.
At least, that was how the plan was supposed to go.
Some Assembly Required(?) by AutoPony [1k words]
Celestia loves her little sis - but family has a way of making it difficult sometimes when very bizarre secrets are unveiled.
Tonight is one of those nights.
The Things Princess Luna Can Do While Waiting for Helldivers 2 Servers to Become Available by RunicTreetops [1k words]
The hit new video game Helldivers 2™ has just released, and Luna is desperate to play it. However, this excitement doesn't last long, as the servers appear to be full. Now stuck in a seemingly endless queue, Luna needs to find some way to kill time.
She'd rather be killing space bugs.
Luna is a Coffee Addict. by I Vicious I [2k words]
After returning from the moon, Luna discovers the wonderful new invention of coffee. Naturally, she takes it way too far and loses her mind. Or maybe she finally sees things as they really are.
Lunar Diplomacy (Or How To Threaten A Friend With Sleep) by Soaring [5k words]
Twilight has not slept in almost a week. Luna wants to know why. Twilight wants to go on another light seven-mile run.
Spike just wants hot chocolate and Rarity.
Banishment by Lynser [3k words]
Celestia wields the elements against her sister, banishing her for a thousand years. These were not a short thousand years.
There is no atmosphere, there is no heat, there is no love, there is no sanctuary, there is no harmony.
There is only the moon.
Many Moons Ago by GrapeVino [8k words]
On the eve of the Summer Sun Festival Celestia has gone missing, and it's up to Luna to find her. What awaits Luna, however, is not only her sister, but a long-awaited confrontation of her past.
Luna may have been able to avoid speaking of her imprisonment for this long, but like her term on the moon, nothing lasts forever, and she must finally talk about those one thousand years. It seems though, that Celestia isn't acting how she would expect.
Singles Combat by MrNumbers [11k words]
Twilight and Luna have both been escaping to the moon for when the burdens of Equestria become too much, and they want to be absolutely alone - except it's always been to the opposite side of the moon to each other, so they've never noticed the other there before. Now that Luna's found Twilight, she'll have to fight her for it! This is obviously a love story about the inherent eroticism of a land-based tax system.
Set in the timeline between Twilight's coronation and the events of the finale.
Celestia's Nightmare by Bell [2k words]
Celestia has a dream about Nightmare Moon, while Luna can do nothing but watch her sister's nightmare.
When Celestia awakens, the two sisters talk about what they've just seen.
The Demon Child by Equimorto [8k words]
Celestia feels like her life isn't all it should be. Luna enjoys the quiet and keeps toiling away at her job. Cozy Glow wants to enjoy spreading chaos almost as much as she wants something out of it. Two of them are dead and the third one might as well be, and only one of them knows it. The tide is rising, and it's time to face the past.
The Phone Call by Bronie312 [1k words]
Luna has been entrusted with running the kingdom while her sister, Celestia, is away on a diplomatic mission to Griffinstone. With the nocturnal alicorn having to switch to daytime and preside over the Day Court in order to solve small issues and trivial matters, it has been so far a quiet week for the younger alicorn.
That is, until in the middle of the night, the phone starts to ring.