• 25 of the Best Fanfics to Read for Pinkie Pie Day!


    Pinkie Pie fanfics have arrived!! We've got a bunch of them for you all to explore, different from last year. Be sure to hit up the old post if you need more.  Now go read everything below! And thanks to Whisper Key for digging them up. 





    Slice of Life




    Cupcakes, Cats, and Quantum Mechanics by Nines [2k words]


    Humans are strange. Why are they thinking about whether or not cats are dead in boxes? Twilight and Sunset try to explain the reason to Pinkie Pie without breaking her.


    Slot Dependents by Estee [13k words]


    Why do they keep coming back? Maybe it's wounded pride: they were humiliated once, and so they have to get one con over on Ponyville to heal their egos. Or a lot more than one, given all of the successive embarrassments. But either way, the brothers have returned to the scene of their crime(s) so often as to give Pinkie a tail twitch configuration just for their presence. Something which leads her and Twilight to a huge tent in the Everfree, one which has free drinks, slot machines, and happy ponies who haven't lost so much as a tenth-bit.

    They can't lose.

    As far as the latest con goes, that's just part of the setup.


    Something Silly by Soaring [3k words]


    Pinkie Pie loves making ponies smile. She loves making them laugh too. It's wonderful.

    Then she met something silly.

    NOTE: This is Spoken Word poetry.


    Take Two! by benjovi2004 [4k words]


    Applejack, wanting to relieve some stress before an upcoming festival, decides to spend the night at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie Pie. It turns out that spending time with Pinkie is never that simple, and Applejack finds herself engaged in a game called Take Two. Will Applejack be the victor, or will she fail to defeat the queen of Take Two?









    The Conference Call by Dafaddah [3k words]


    An IT manager with an embarrassing secret personal pastime (fanfic author) gets an unexpected video conference call from Equestria, and a strange request that he cannot refuse because:

    1 - Twilight is asking, and

    2 - Pinkie Pie won’t let him.


    Pinkie Pie Eats an Arbitrary Number of Pancakes by Lingo [4k words]


    Pinkie needs help. She's been trying to find the perfect use for a word, but nothing has really inspired her. That is, until an innocent stack of pancakes gives her the spark she's been looking for.

    With the assistance of her best friend, a metric ton of pancakes, and Twilight Sparkle, she just might pull it off.

    But her brilliant plan hinges on one crucial detail, the whole thing has to end in disaster.


    Pinkie Pegasus by Lets Do This [15k words]


    Rainbow Dash finds out that asking your friends for help can lead to unexpected results. Especially if one of those friends is a party-pegasus named Pinkie.

    Another visit to the world(s) of earth-pony Twilight, where things are not always as simple as they seem...


    The Waiting Doom II: PinkieCare by Estee [13k words]


    It was just a bad cold. But the Cakes are first-time parents, they panicked, and... well, the twins fully recovered in the Canterlot hospital. Pinkie just didn’t know about any of it until now, because she was on a mission. So to make up for her absence, she’s sending the Cakes home. Pinkie can bring the foals home after they’re discharged. Which should be any minute now.

    ...or hour...

    Well, it’s a big hospital. Maybe she can find something to do.


    Twilight Takes a Cannon to Occam's Razor by SparklingTwilight [1k words]


    Flies are biting and Twilight can't get rid of them. But Pinkie Pie has a cannon.









    Insomnia by Perfectly Insane [32k words]


    In the wake of a harrowing experience in the caves beneath The Pie Farm, Pinkie Pie is left twice-cursed—first by disturbing visions, and then by a question: will she ever sleep again?


    Clean Up by SweetTeaSoup [4k words]


    Cleaning up is an essential part of every party, as essential as setting it up, sending out the invites, baking a cake and making sure the guests are having a super terrific time. Clean up is normal, clean up is natural.

    Pinkie sometimes wishes cleaning up never had to happen.


    Why-Hole by Decaf [11k words]


    Pinkie Pie is trapped in her own soul, and it wants to torture her for eternity. Apparently, she betrayed her friends, and is suffering the consequences. But that doesn't sound like Pinkie Pie. This must be a misunderstanding. Surely, she'd never do something so terrible.


    Without You by Lucky Seven [1k words]


    Pinkie and Gummy were inseparable. Any chance the two had to be together, Pinkie took advantage of it.

    All of that time spent together makes saying goodbye even harder...









    Can't Invite You Anywhere by Miller Minus [5k words]


    When Pinkie Pie misses Twilight's Hearth's Warming party to investigate her twitchy tail, Twilight ignores every one of her own defense mechanisms and investigates with her.


    Home by Bicyclette [2k words]


    In the future of the Crystal War timeline, King Sombra has finally been defeated. But the war being over just means that its wounds can only begin to heal, and all Applejack can do is give Pinkie the home that her family's rock farm can no longer be.

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