• 20 More Amazing Fanfics to Read For Applejack Day! b

    My Little Pony Nightly Discussion Author Calpain

    Applejack Day arrives once again! We've got lots of farmpone stories to start you off. Go get them below.

    For older fanfics, be sure to hit up this post, and it has links to even older ones! Thanks to Whisper Key as always for digging them all up.


    Slice of Life




    The Sister Sidestep: Scootaloo by Impossible Numbers [9k words]


    Scootaloo might be no good at sums, but she knows Scootaloo plus scooter equals the fastest, awesomest, most attention-grabbing-est thing on the ground.

    She also knows Applejack minus anyone actually fun to be with equals one really lame time.

    And yet, spending a day with the Apple farmer and her broader Apple family seems strangely attractive to her. They might not be the most exciting of ponies, (and when it comes to cool, they're certainly the most clueless), but they have something Scootaloo really, really wants. Deep down. Something she keeps coming back for.

    Not that she's going to admit it. Cos that would be seriously lame.


    Space Pony / 40 Winks by alafoel [1k words]


    Is it me? Am I the only one who doesn't think we're all alone here?

    It's a beautiful night, and Applejack can't sleep.


    Waiting for a Train by Freglz [8k words]


    There are many things you can think about after almost dying.

    For Applejack and Rainbow Dash, it's what comes after.









    Profound Ponytail by Silk Rose [1k words]


    Applejack loses her ponytail and nopony recognizes her after.


    Hanirikah by Shakespearicles [5k words]


    Hearth's Warming Eve is approaching, and the Map calls Applejack and Fluttershy back to the Kirin Village in the Perilous Peaks to resolve another friendship problem. It seems that Autumn Blaze has come to love all things Equestrian, and wants to bring the tradition of Hearth's Warming to the Kirin Village. Autumn's friend, Fern Flare, wants to keep the Kirin tradition of Hanirikah. But what is Hanirikah?


    They’ll be Arguing till the Cows Come Home by Horse Words [5k words]


    In which Rarity believes in true love and Applejack thinks Rarity's crazy if she thinks she has a chance with her cousin.

    Everyone else in the story are just there for plot convenience.









    All it Takes is One... by Noobblue [4k words]


    Applejack is no stranger to death, for multiple reasons.

    What she is a stranger to, is what to do about it.

    Fluttershy has half an answer... Applejack finds the rest of it.


    Taking a Bite Out of the Big Apple by Zaid ValRoa [16k words]


    When Babs Seed goes missing in the heart of Manehattan, Applejack and Apple Bloom waste no time in looking for her. But as they delve deeper into the city's shadows, the sisters find they may have bitten off more than they can chew.


    We Don't Go Past The Garden Wall by Caligari87 [1k words]


    Behind an ancient stone wall lies an Apple family secret.









    Dear Twilight Sparkle by Donnys Boy [5k words]


    Applejack tries to write a love letter. She mostly fails.

    A TwiJack story, set somewhere in early Season 4.


    Applejack's First Crush by Cryogenii [14k words]


    A tale about a young Applejack who witnesses an unknown pegasus clearing the clouds. Mesmerized by the mare's grace and athleticism, Applejack can't help but feel unfamiliar sensations of yearning.

    As Rainbow Dash clears the storm clouds, she spots an unknown farm pony working below. Drawn to the mare's strong figure and blond mane, Rainbow Dash feels a pull in her heart that she's never felt before.


    Chasing the Sky by SnowOriole [74k words]


    Ah, the last year of high school, when students start pondering their futures and similar existential crises. 17-year-old Applejack has... other problems. She's a long way from home, for one, and she knows home is the only place she's going back to after high school in the big city. Applejack is okay with this, but when she sees Rainbow Dash, soaring ever high, achieving her dreams, that doesn't stop her from wondering what it's like to fly.

    Oh, and she's also in love with Rainbow, who's leaving the country in less than a year. That too.


    Fixer-Upper by hoofbeatsoftime [2k words]


    Rainbow doesn’t know what made her want to move in with Applejack. She doesn’t know why everything feels so tender and touchy where it used to be quick and light. She doesn’t know why she gets pins and needles when she looks into Applejack’s eyes.

    Could it really be so simple as she wants to be with Applejack? This whole emotional maturity thing is way more trouble than it’s worth.


    Catch And Release by ShadowSprint [14k words]


    Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been dating for a while. And where one might think that would subdue their competitive nature, the opposite has in fact happened. Rainbow Dash and Applejack frequently enact "date-bets" on each other, where the loser gets to enjoy a date completely setup by the winner. Not so bad, except that Dash has a terrible record, which means lots of cute dresses and prettying up for her to be forced into. It's just the result of two tomboyish ponies hooking up. But Dash has a plan, a plan to beat her mare-friend in an upcoming fishing tournament. How hard could it be to catch a bigger fish than Applejack? And what could possibly go wrong?









    What We Don't Talk About by Silent Whisper [7k words]


    Rarity and Applejack put the romance in necromancy.


    And He Had A Great Fall by TCC56 [11k words]


    Not every pony who lives in Cloudsdale is a pegasus. Some are unicorn or earth foals born to pegasus parents; some have been drawn there for employment or love; some simply see it as home and follow their dreams to the clouds.

    All survive their days through a regular diet of cloudwalking potions.

    And lately - here and there - those potions have begun to mysteriously fail.

    It was only supposed to be Rainbow Dash who was dispatched by Princess Twilight to investigate, but even her plans never go as expected. Because Applejack isn't letting her marefriend charge into danger alone.


    Home by Bicyclette [2k words]


    In the future of the Crystal War timeline, King Sombra has finally been defeated. But the war being over just means that its wounds can only begin to heal, and all Applejack can do is give Pinkie the home that her family's rock farm can no longer be.


    Physician, Heal Thyself by Pascoite [1k words]


    Applejack has a rather troubling question for Rarity. But Rarity refuses to answer until she understands the reason for it.


    The Gelding by deadpansnarker [2k words]


    On a typically quiet day at Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac tells Applejack he's thinking of having a vasectomy. This causes no friction between the pair at all, of course.









    Take a Bow by Loganberry [1k words]


    Fluttershy and Applejack arrive in the nick of time to rescue their friend from a potentially terrible fate. The way it happens might be considered shocking – it certainly startles AJ – but as ever in Equestria there's a story behind it...

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