• Jeremy Whitley Details "The Storm of Zephyr Heights" Comic Plans

    The first chapter of The Storm of Zephyr Heights released the other day after months of being teased as a G5xG4 crossover, and brain behind it, Jeremy Whitley, has popped on Twitter go drop some details about the project as a whole. With the end of Tell Your Tale next month, this might be our final bit of G5 pony for the year as each installment is released over the coming months.

    One big thing is how much of a crossover this will be. Apparently it will draw things from G4, but won't go full on time-travel arc. The synopsis provided for the solicitations may have been a bit liberal on its use of teasing G4 ponies.

    I'll let them explain it all though! Get the caps below, or over on their Twitter.

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