• Discussion: How Has Being A Brony Changed You?

    How has being a brony changed you? Before I started watching the show I was just your typical introvert going about his day, taking college classes, being awkward, y'know. Now I had previously watched bits and pieces of the show when I was in middle school, however when I started watching it again during college, I felt a spark of hope. I started to lighten up about life and came to the realization that it's ok to be who you are, granted it took me two years to finally get that x_x. 

    I've met countless people in this fandom who have (to some degree) helped me to mature and accept myself, and build self confidence. I learned to focus on people around me and be caring, rather than just focusing solely on myself, or what I wanted to talk about. I've gotta say, this show works wonders.

    How did it change you? Drop your thoughts below!

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