I know some Bronies who think Sunset Shimmer here is pretty hot, but this is getting ridiculous! Ba dum tss! Seriously though, that's one seriously badass Sunset. She got the shades, the necklace, the leather jacket, the epic mane, and the dynamic backdrop all goin on. Welcome to Monday night!Share This!
Source Pinkie Pie Day arrives October 7th! It's time to get those submissions in.
To submit, send an email to submiteqd@gmail.com with Pinkie Pie day followed by what it is, so Pinkie Pie Day - OPEN ART for the open art section.
Celebrate the party pony! She deserves it.
That's an adorable Fluttershy right there. The world needds more Fluttershy.
Go get lots of awesome plushies below!
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40 faux fur Fluttershy by calusariAC on Deviantart -
Would you watch this fascinating cartoon where the ponies are now all creatures?
Time for art! Go get it all below as always.
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Band by BuvanyBu on Deviantart -
Source It's all updates today! Clones, HWM, Alicorn of Magic, and more are your comics. Get them above and below as always.
Author: Donnys Boy
Description: Applejack tries to write a love letter. She mostly fails. A TwiJack story, set somewhere in early Season 4.
Dear Twilight Sparkle
Earlier today the Open Art post was automatically marked as spam by Google, who hosts EQD. We appealed it and luckily it was quickly reversed, but last time this happened was 3 years ago, and they nuked the entire site for "spam", followed by mysteriously reversing it a day later with no response at all.
Hopefully that doesn't happen again, but this is a general heads up that if EQD explodes, that's probably what happened. If anyone knows anyone at Google that can kick the autoflagging gerbil for us and hopefully prevent it from doing anything else, that would help a lot.
Now back to poni.
Smolder header for open art today! Go get lots of art below as always.
Go get poni art below!
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School Exchange Jam Session (Ukariarti) by MLP-Trinary on Deviantart -
We haven't had some metalcore in a while. Have a description for this one:
This song is about Princess Luna (oh wow, how unexpected and original, yeah?) and her inner demons, which she's forced to fight, but eventually she gives up and turns into Nightmare Moon.
Genre: metalcore, post-hardcore
Go listen below!
The first chapter of The Storm of Zephyr Heights released the other day after months of being teased as a G5xG4 crossover, and brain behind it, Jeremy Whitley, has popped on Twitter go drop some details about the project as a whole. With the end of Tell Your Tale next month, this might be our final bit of G5 pony for the year as each installment is released over the coming months.
One big thing is how much of a crossover this will be. Apparently it will draw things from G4, but won't go full on time-travel arc. The synopsis provided for the solicitations may have been a bit liberal on its use of teasing G4 ponies.
I'll let them explain it all though! Get the caps below, or over on their Twitter.
Author: Celly Da Pancake
Description: Twilight and Spike, siblings in all but blood, go adventuring together in Canterlot. They don't find what they are looking for, but they stumble onto something better.
In Shade, We Rest
Have a Cadance, and get anthro and humanized art below!
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CadenceSniffsona by NekoJackun on Deviantart -
I never thought the Izzy Moonbow we met in A New Generation would be a professional dumpster diver, but if there was one thing Tell Your Tale did well, it was surprising the viewer.
We've been watching these shorts for a long time now, and the final ones air in October, so maybe it's time we do a little bit of retrospection? What did you like most about Tell Your Tale if you gave it a shot? Were there ever any favorite episodes you've gone back and watcehd a few times?
Discuss below!
We have a relaxing track from ReddPony today! If you need to relax, this is a good one. Have the description:
I find it quite believable to imagine that Princess Celestia still struggles with the memories of having to send her sister to the moon, even after Luna's return. This is my take on a sleep deprived Celestia, roaming the night-time streets of Canterlot in an attempt to put her mind at ease.
See? I told you I had some original stuff in the works, and it even has vocals! How cool is that!Listen below.
Author: Lurks-no-More
Description: Rainbow Dash can handle busting the clouds or bringing in a weather front in her sleep, but there's more to being the captain of the Ponyville Weather Patrol than just the weather work.
With the roof of the Town Hall wrecked by lightning, Dash has to deal with not just the increasingly irate Mayor, but also her second-in-command Cloudkicker's impending nervous breakdown, and one highly apologetic, wall-eyed pegasus...
Making Do
Apparently there are even more winners than we had in yesterday's post! Tell Your Tale ran contests in Malaysia, LATAM, PAC, and Indonesia too!
Go check out the results below.
Hey there, sorry for the delay. Here we are with the start of a new, exciting G5 miniseries: The Storm of Zephyr Heights. But just like we need to weather the storm before we can see the rainbow, or have a cloud to find the silver lining, we need to talk about some less than pleasant things, and I don't just mean the inevitable spoiler warnings for this review.
op 2:00 PM
Labels: Analysis, Author: MLP-Trinary, Comic, Comic Review, G5, IDW, Mini Series Comic, News, Official Comic, Review, Storm of Zephyr Heights, Tell Your Tale -
Cute twin pegasus ponies are your top slot today!
Go get more pony art below.
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by windykirin -
Description: Celestia liked to think of herself as a good ruler, and a good pony.
Sometimes, that just wasn't true.
Sometimes, you just have to let yourself go.
Celestia's Dark Side
Author:chief maximus
Description:Mac attends a ceremony to honor his service in the Army of the Sun's reprisal against the Changeling's brazen attack on the Equestrian capital during Prince Shining and Princess Cadence's wedding. He continues to cope with the often unseen aftershocks of conflict, trying to find some semblance of the life he once knew. With the help of his family, he's sure he can overcome his adversity. However, a mind is a terrible thing to leave broken.
(Sequel to When the Field Becomes Fallow)Silver Spears
Aoger over in China is crafting five new G5 plushies according to a press release from Hasbro. They plan to release them at the end of this year, and unlike everything else going on in China right now, they appear to sell these toys are Walmart around the world.
Have an example of what they make, and get the blurb from the press release below.
It's no secret that China is basically enjoying the same viral chaos of pony that we enjoyed back in the early to middle 2010's right now. Cartoon horses are all the rage, with armadas of artists, plushie makes, animators, and more all producing piles of pony for a ravenous fandom.
They ran a convention called China Southern Brony Carnival back in July, and have sent a full writeup over if you want to take a look at how their events look! Go check it out below if you are curious.
Coco is adorable, and autumn makes it even more adorable.
Go get art below!
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Schoolgirl Pony in Autumn by VinilyArt on Deviantart -
Flutterponies anyone? We've got two of these neat figures today, plus lots more! Go check out some crafty ponies below.
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Flutter Twi by VIIStar on Deviantart