• 20 Of the Best Fanfics to Read for Sunset Day!

    We fanfic the Sunset Shimmer!. We've got the best fanfics starring her over the last year in this post. For older stories, go check out our post from last year.

    Get the Sunset Shimmer fanfics below, and thanks to Whisper Key for digging them up!


    Slice of Life




    The Ambiguous Colour of Saffron by evelili [4k words]


    Community service isn't exactly fun. Sunset Shimmer is learning that the hard way—especially when Saffron Masala keeps cooking extra meals that their soup kitchen couldn't pay people to eat. It's not fun, it's not worth it, and it's never ever ever going to change. And... for some reason, it seems Saffron's okay with that.

    Now, six Wednesday nights out from the disastrous Fall Formal, Sunset decides that she might as well ask Saffron why.


    A Holiday Treasured by Holy [7k words]


    It's been years since Sunset has had a good Hearth's Warming. After the events of last year, she almost wants to skip the holiday entirely, but her friends think they can do something that might change her mind.


    Sasha by Soufriere [5k words]


    Just one week out from her demonic transformation and subsequent rainbow friendship blast to the face, Sunset Shimmer needs a new leather jacket, as her old one (seen here) was destroyed. Reluctantly, she goes to the closest clothier to her home: the infamously uptight Carousel Boutique. Making matters tougher, she must deal face to face with a girl she badly hurt. Can friendship take root even after three years of hatred and distrust?









    Pure Absurdity by FanOfMostEverything [1k words]


    People have had a lot of crazy ideas about unicorns over the years. Given the sheer quantity, it shouldn't be surprising when some of them turn out to be true.

    It still is, but it shouldn't be.


    The Inspiration Machine by RB_ [3k words]


    Twilight's run out of ideas for new inventions, so she invents something to fix that.

    No one said the machine would produce good ideas.


    The Assassination of Celestia by the Coward Sunset Shimmer by Flisky [1k words]


    Princess Celestia gets legit deaded by everyone's favorite bacon head.


    Sunset Realizes She's Like 30 by Mike_Tubapun [3k words]


    A little story I used to put my headcanon about how time works between the main series and the Equestria Girls sub-series. It's a discussion of why Sunset is so young despite being older than Princess Twilight, as well as why timeliness don't always match up between the two.


    Operation I'M NOT GAY by Dubs Rewatcher [7k words]


    In a ploy to convince her parents that she’s straight, Twilight asks Microchips to become her pretend boyfriend. Without telling her real girlfriend, Sunset.

    Microchips calculates a 99% chance that he dies tonight.


    Sunset Sleeps In. by Hotel_Chicken [1k words]


    Sunset has done a lot for the humans in this magicless world, and she rightfully deserves a break from all the bullshit. Sadly, some random ancient threat seems to disagree.









    The Final Conversation by EileenSaysHi [3k words]


    Once upon a time, Princess Celestia meant the world to her young protégée, Sunset Shimmer. In many ways, she was the world to the unicorn filly.

    Now, the relationship between mentor and student has become deeply strained. Some weeks ago, the two suffered a major spat. As the rift between them grows and emotions churn inside Sunset, she begins to wonder exactly who she is in the eyes of the age-old alicorn who controls the sun.

    And as Celestia prepares to leave for a diplomatic errand, she finds herself confronted by her volatile pupil -- and, put on the spot, must find a way to bridge the gap before it's too late.


    Crimson Sunset by Nebula Star [27k words]


    In an Equestria where the mirror portal didn't exist; a very different fate awaits Sunset Shimmer.


    The Price of Flight (Not a Ghost Story) by Mockingbirb [3k words]


    Scootaloo visits Sunset Shimmer, and learns something horrifying about the differences between two worlds.


    Highs and Lows by Soufriere [1k words]


    It's cold outside. Snow is falling. Sunset Shimmer is only vaguely aware of this, pacing or dancing or something in the middle of a park. But she's dressed as if it were not below freezing. Concerned, Rarity takes the girl in. What follows is Sunset's unsuccessful attempt to explain her addled mind. We think.









    Tempest Blackout by Luminous Comet [2k words]


    After a night out drinking, Sunset Shimmer wakes up in an unfamiliar bed. It takes some time and help from the woman next to her to reconstruct the events that had led her there.


    The Sunset Shimmer Study by DapperLilArts [4k words]


    Twilight Sparkle has discovered her new friend is a pony from another dimension.

    She refuses to leave this stone unturned, and will get to the bottom of this through extensive research, whether Sunset Shimmer knows it or not. Midnight Sparkle, of course, has her two cents about this entire nonsense.

    Still-- A magical pony from another dimension walks beside her. This requires further study.









    Message Received by RunicTreetops [8k words]


    While exploring the decrepit remains of the Castle of Friendship, Sunny Starscout and her friends discover a strange book that might have belonged to Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. The book's contents resemble a series of letters that were apparently sent back and forth between Twilight and an unknown party.

    At some point, Twilight stopped responding.


    The Exchange by DrakeyC [6k words]


    With time short and a life on the line, Twilight goes to a forgotten corner of town seeking out an urban legend in the desperate hope it can help her. What she finds is all that she expected and more. A creature of darkness that offers favors for blood. But first it wants to know how Twilight found it, and why.

    In the process, Twilight learns a valuable lesson. It's frightening enough to know that supernatural creatures actually exist, but what is truly terrifying is when those creatures know you exist. And one of them takes an interest in you.


    Freeport Venture: Come And See by Chengar Qordath [43k words]


    War rages throughout Equestria. The return of the Crystal Empire has seen years of strife and millions dead as Princess Celestia’s forces strain against Sombra's seemingly endless hordes.

    However, the entry of Freeport’s forces turn the tide in Equestria’s favor. Archon Sunset Shimmer and her army smash into the fray, breaking the long, brutal siege of Manehattan and shifting the balance in Equestria’s favor. With Sombra's army falling back to his home territories, there's finally reason to hope again.

    If only they knew something far, far worse than Sombra loomed on the horizon.









    Sundowner by King of Beggars [172k words]


    Sunset Shimmer has always been a hot-headed, impetuous girl. She's always been prone to making snap decisions, and later finding herself regretting them. It was exactly this temperament that had brought her to the human world, penniless and alone. When the opportunity to get back on her feet presented itself in the form of a stranger's outstretched hand, she leaped at the chance.

    This is the story of a woman who has made many bad choices, and the life those choices have made for her.


    The Witch of The Wind by MagnetBolt [68k words]


    Sunset Shimmer needs a vacation. She doesn't feel she can really match the accomplishments of the ponies around her, and even though she knows leaving Canterlot is just running away from her problems for a while, maybe it's what she needs to get her head back in the game.

    Griffonstone needs someone to save it. The griffons won't ever admit that, but it isn't half the city it used to be. The birds still in town do everything they can to leave, and the whole place is ravaged by terrible gale-force winds.

    The earth roars! The heaven howls! The crowds cry out for a hero! Can Sunset really end a curse that's lingered for generations?

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