We had 107 amazing locations for this year's Ponies Around the World! Enjoy some incredible photography with an adorable Flutterbat as your header for this one.
Thanks to everyone that submitted again. You all make this event a joy to dig through the submissions on.
Now go get ponies around the world below!
62 Travelpones at a black beach on Lanzarote, Spain - Cabraloca

We took Derpy and Dr. Whooves as our travelpones to one of the rare black sand beaches "Playa de Montaña Bermeja" on the island of Lanzarote, Spain. We had some luck and found lots of sparkling green olivine gems at the beach! Big waves, volcanos and rough nature: Lanzarote feels like the Hawaii of Europe.

We took Derpy and Dr. Whooves as our travelpones to one of the rare black sand beaches "Playa de Montaña Bermeja" on the island of Lanzarote, Spain. We had some luck and found lots of sparkling green olivine gems at the beach! Big waves, volcanos and rough nature: Lanzarote feels like the Hawaii of Europe.
64 Travelpones on top of Timanfaya, Lanzarote, Spain - Cabraloca

We took Derpy and Dr. Whooves as our travelpones to the Timanfaya national park. This area features volcanic landscape from relative young eruptions ~300 years ago with beatiful colors and contrasts. The place feels out of this world and looks similar to martian landscapes. The artist César Manrique built an iconic restaurant atop of a volcano which features a unique direct-heat-from-the-ground-bbq.

We took Derpy and Dr. Whooves as our travelpones to the Timanfaya national park. This area features volcanic landscape from relative young eruptions ~300 years ago with beatiful colors and contrasts. The place feels out of this world and looks similar to martian landscapes. The artist César Manrique built an iconic restaurant atop of a volcano which features a unique direct-heat-from-the-ground-bbq.
67 Rarity took her little sis on a relaxing vacation in beautiful Piran, Slovenia. - KarolÃna Knákalová
68 Vapor Trail at Stuttgart - Langou
74 Born and Buried in Grainbee - Frith

Another year, another PONIES AROUND THE WORLD event! I've done them all. Bet'cha noponyelse has submitted pictures every single year to this shindig. This year Palmer Cox celebrates 100 years of being dead. There ain't no statue or museum dedicated to Palmer Cox in Grainbee (where he was born and died) and the closest thing to a permanent metal plaque is this grave marker. Observe the thing that got Palmer rich and famous: that weird spindly-limbed gnome is a "Brownie". Palmer drew hundreds of them. Check out Project Gutenberg to see a few of his Brownie books.

Another year, another PONIES AROUND THE WORLD event! I've done them all. Bet'cha noponyelse has submitted pictures every single year to this shindig. This year Palmer Cox celebrates 100 years of being dead. There ain't no statue or museum dedicated to Palmer Cox in Grainbee (where he was born and died) and the closest thing to a permanent metal plaque is this grave marker. Observe the thing that got Palmer rich and famous: that weird spindly-limbed gnome is a "Brownie". Palmer drew hundreds of them. Check out Project Gutenberg to see a few of his Brownie books.
76 Rainbow Dash & some of her friends visit (the statue of) King Leonidas in (modern) Sparta - Jürgen Bartholomä
86 Camping with Scootaloo - Kww

We were sleeping in tents at Batrana mountain top (2181m). Also in background you can see small dog sleeping, he was just random dog that kept following us from the start of our journey. He proved himself usefull on the trail as he was sensing wild animals, e.g. horses. Unfortunetly we had to part our ways at the end.

We were sleeping in tents at Batrana mountain top (2181m). Also in background you can see small dog sleeping, he was just random dog that kept following us from the start of our journey. He proved himself usefull on the trail as he was sensing wild animals, e.g. horses. Unfortunetly we had to part our ways at the end.
91 Rarity at the Gazebo Tower, Ross-on-Wye - Loganberry

Rarity admires the Gazebo Tower, one of the most striking buildings in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, England. This was built as part of the town's Mock Gothic Town Walls in 1833, a project intended to make the town look more medieval in order to attract tourists! The Gazebo Tower is now a private house.

Rarity admires the Gazebo Tower, one of the most striking buildings in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, England. This was built as part of the town's Mock Gothic Town Walls in 1833, a project intended to make the town look more medieval in order to attract tourists! The Gazebo Tower is now a private house.
96 Twilight's new castle in Monschau - ComradeSparkle
101 Spitfire Approves of The Thunderbirds - FishKepr
102 Spitfire Approves of The Blue Angels - FishKepr

Captured at Boeing Field in Seattle. (Older photo, but not submitted before) NOTE: A Blue Angels pilot signed Spitfire and said he knew all about Spitfire and The Wonderbolts. The CO of The Thunderbirds also signed Spitfire but said he was not familiar with them. Feel free to draw whatever conclusion you like from this.

Captured at Boeing Field in Seattle. (Older photo, but not submitted before) NOTE: A Blue Angels pilot signed Spitfire and said he knew all about Spitfire and The Wonderbolts. The CO of The Thunderbirds also signed Spitfire but said he was not familiar with them. Feel free to draw whatever conclusion you like from this.
103 Twilight at Yellowstone Lower Falls - FishKepr
107 Pinkie Pie's Summer Vacation - DashiePinkie
Alcatraz by Feather Data