• Fanfiction (Scouted): The Brave Little Caretaker



    Description:There's nothing like that first day in a new town. Fresh arrivals get to explore. Truly seeing everything for the first time and for this particular newcomer, that means the judgments start coming immediately. After all, if she's going to live here, then it's clearly very important to figure out exactly whom she's going to be looking down upon. And spotting that ridiculous yellow pegasus moving down the streets, happily talking to herself about having gotten 'seven at once'... well, obviously that's going to be Subject Of Ongoing Ridicule #1. Now if our recent arrival can just find the few locals who are actually intelligent enough to appreciate the jokes... Don't worry about welcoming the new mare to Ponyville. In fact, let's not even bother with getting her name. She's not going to last that long.

    The Brave Little Caretaker

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