• Review and Unboxing - Symbiote Studios SDCC Great and Powerful Trixie

    The Great and Powerful Trixie has returned here on EQD! It has been a while since we celebrated her hasn't it?

    As announced a few weeks ago, Symbiote Studios is going to be selling an exclusive Trixie plushie at SDCC, and they sent one over to Equestria Daily to review.

    Head on down below to learn all about her!

    If you haven't ordered a Symbiote plushie before, this is how it will arrive. You get their cute cat mascot sticker on the back side.

    And on the other side, the full logo and website info.

    Inside, we have Trixie of course, a loose sticker for you to slap on to something, and a little mini comic.

    Here's a closeup of those two.

    But you are here for Trixie, so lets rescue her from this bag and do the thing~

    And here she is! The first thing you will probably notice is how soft she is. Symbiote plushies do not skimp at all on that.

    That is a very smug poni right there. I like her style.

    And the front view looks really good! Something a lot of 3rd party plushie companies tend to struggle with in pony. I guess that's fixed when you hire people from the fandom for them.

    Trixie's hat and cape are a completely different material, much more clothing-like. The hat is surprisingly bulky, with very good quality embroidery for the stars and moons.

    And on the inside to keep it from falling over her whole head, they have a lining that keeps it up.

    Moving on from her clothing, here's the mane! Of course I didn't realize her horn was... flopping when I took this picture, or the next one. I guess she temporarily fell in some poison joke.

    It was fixed eventually though once I did notice.

    Here's a shot of her cape. As you can see, it has a Velcro attachment behind the gem clasp.

    And here she is without anything on.

    And the usual huge plushie tag.

    I like that they made the back hooves thicker. A few past plushies standardize all of them in other lines.

    And a shot of the back of her mane if you are curious about how that one works.

    The embroidery quality is very good. Another thing that is super rare from manufactured pony plushies over the years, and something you usually only get from custom crafters.

    Cutiemark included. On both sides of course.

    And one final shot of the bottom of her hooves. All in all I'm very happy with Trixie! It's good to have a company taking up the mantle of giving us some less explore ponies after 4DE dropped out all those years ago. Hopefully we get a kirin from them some day~ 

    You can pick her up at SDCC! And if you want one without hat and cape, keep an eye on their website. They tend to sell out quick, but hopefully they restock soon.

    Follow Sethisto on  Twitter and Bluesky!