• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV Final Gallery!


    Good evening, both Equestria Daily viewers and our artist friends out there! Another summer has come to pass and that means that another Newbie Artist Training Grounds has also come and gone. And in its wake, our artists both new and old have worked hard to bring every prompt I've thrown at them to life. I could not be more proud of the work they have done over course of June and into July!

    In all, this year's NATG managed to bring in 1785 ponies in total! Yet another impressive showing by the artists who participated this year!

    As we close out this event, I just want to inform everyone that the NATG will be in May next year to help me a little bit with my life schedule. But for now, check out the gallery after break and help celebrate the wonderful job all of our artists did for their final pictures on graduation day.

    It has been wonderful working with everyone again this year! Hope to see you all for NATG XV!

    1 Graduation 2024 - Termyotter

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    My traditional graduation picture for the traditional graduation prompt. I'm gettin' too old for this. :)
    5 Twilights Graduation - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

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    “Hold still, Keep those books floating too”
    6 Graduation - Frown Factory

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    Thanks for another year, glad I managed to do so the prompts this time
    7 Crossing the finish line - Wolfy

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    THANK YOU EQD so so much for hosting this celebration of pones, art and friendship!
    8 - DoodleDonut

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    9 Day 21: The Struggle - Taichi

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    There are times when he feels the drive to chase and honor his dream of being an artist, and days when he hears the inner doubt the loudest.
    10 [SFM] Misty's second graduation - red4567

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    A graduation so nice, it had to be done twice!
    11 I Did It! - EmilyLsArt

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    So there we have it, another NATG finished!! This would likely be my last one for now because it was a LOT to do and it made me find several new art styles at last. This piece was inspired by a funny graduation cake someone made (source: memeuplift on Tumblr). Thanks for having me again in this event, EQD...see you around!
    13 End of a Fanfic journey - KevinHz19

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    My OC, Kayla Goldenwing reaching the end of the line to cross and be finish with her fanfic journey. And be with Rainbow Dash who is waiting for her on other side of line. After her journey in her written Fanfic, she is able to free roam more and make new friends along the way in her life in Equestria.
    14 A Well-Deserved Rest (NATG 2024 Day 30) - IronYoshi

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    30 days of drawing featuring friends and fun. Rest well, pineapple pone. You've certainly earned it!
    15 NATG XIV Day 30: Together - AceBlazewing

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    Blaze and Pecan share a tender moment as this year's Training Grounds comes to a close, the two of them having professed their feelings for each other. =)
    16 Finish line - Ragmo

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    Go go! You can do it! You deserved it this year. It started with both Swift Sword and Caveman Pony together for the first prompst. But i switched to mainly Caveman Pony later on. He deserved to be in the spotlight this year :3 I was able to expand the "story" of Caveman Pony a bit. At the start, when i created him back in NATG VI day 22, he was just something for the prompt; but i liked the idea and he came back the same NATG on the final make up day. He grow on me quite fast and apeared on the next couple NATGs from time to time, and now he was the main character for this year \o/ As for NATG in general: thank EQD for having us again this year :) It's nice to see all those new faces and recognize some of the "older" ones who return every year. A picture every day for a whole month was quite manageable for me this time. Looking forward to next year :3 Thank you
    17 NATG2024d30 - Reaching the End of the Line - C_||_R

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    Equus is dark. The Sun is lost, the Single Pegasus Project towers have fallen, and Ponykind is facing the end of the line. ~ Millenia had passed since a living Pony had last faced the Unsung Princess; but this time the Princess of the Twilight Realm, with her Sisters long dead and the Cosmic Matriarch long since thinned in her travels and creating beyond the capacity of sapience -with the Eye of the World blind and the star spirits of the Firmament fighting over the future course of the Cel System, would choose that her Chorus need not become the sole sound of Equus in the dark depths of time-to-come. ~ Sing. Sing Dawn's Remediation, corrupt and subvert your Mother's Song, Ununsing yourself, and become the Corpse and God Empress of Ponykind.
    18 NATG Day 30 - First Year Completed! - peachyraccoonsart

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    I completed my first year being a "newbie artist" in Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV! Woo-hoo!
    19 Retirony - Lore/Docard

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    Last call to board the Friendship Express!
    20 Over Already?! - Mintwhistle

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    Time sure does fly, huh?
    22 I'm On Break. - Nedemai

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    More art may come from me but I have to call it officially done for this year. It has been fun!
    23 She Dood It - EbbySharp

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    Another one down, Congratulations, all!
    24 Graduated.... - Star

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    Just your daily reminder to double-check important documents. Pt 1. https://www.deviantart.com/themelodyofthestars/art/The-Creation-1062785196
    28 2024 ATG #30: MLP Fanart: Graduating - Blackblade360

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    Here's a drawing for Prompt #30, a pony graduating / Draw a pony reaching the end of the line Originally its supposed to be somepony else, tho I decided to go something more easier. In this final drawing of NATG, I drew Misty with a graduation cap to represents how she learn to let her cutie mark glow Derpibooru: https://derpibooru.org/images/3395430
    29 Ending Song - AnimatorWil

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    Good job to everyone! Lots of fun and creative works this year ^_^
    30 ED: NATG 2024 Day 30 - Addelum

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    Based on "Christina's World" (1948) by Andrew Wyeth. The original work depicted a young woman, who grew up with a degenerative disability that left her unable to walk, but refused to use a wheelchair and preferred to crawl.
    33 Future's Bright - Novaintellus

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    Let's Go Crusaders!
    35 End of the Line - Frith

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    It is the actual end of the line, last stop closest to the Kirin village. Thank you EqD and Calpain for another great event. I might have actually improved slightly this year.
    36 bubblegum :) - Victoria

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    38 Where the Pony Ends - Oxfordinary

    Had a great EqD NATG! Thanks guys.
    40 Never Again! - Equestria Exploration

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    Inspired by a comment Calpain made: "Cal's going to write A.K.Yearling and traumatize her by asking if there will be a sequel to this book" The idea seemed too funny to pass up ^^
    41 Burp - Don

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    The 1st G-5 Dracony is burped
    42 OBEY the MUFFIN - Don

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    Don't mess with Derpy the Doctor has a Blue Call Box
    43 Cake - Don

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    Celestia isn't happy here
    44 G-5 ??? - Don

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    45 Paryy's over - Don

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    47 the tradition continues - Minty Treble

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    Congrats, everypony!!
    48 Made My Mark - Moonky

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    This marks the end of my journey in 2024’s NATG! Even though Misty getting her cutie mark is not directly connected to a graduation but i feel like her getting a cutie mark is as if graduating. Even with her struggles under Opaline, through her friendship with the Mane 5, she grew and finally found a place in the world. And just like Misty’s growth, art takes time and it has to start somewhere too. So to say farewell to this year’s NATG, here’s my artwork!
    49 The Final Stop - In3DS

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    50 Small steps on a long road - Fleximus

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    The last entry (for good this time) fof a really pleasant event. Hope you all had fun too, either participating and/or watching what has been made, i sure did.
    51 The Final Gallery - Asus

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    I really wish I had participated in these sooner, that I made an earlier effort to learn how to draw when I was younger and had more free time. Still, better late than never, and even if I only have time to do a few prompts next time, I hope to keep moving forward. So thank you Calpain and all of Equestria Daily!
    52 ATG2024 30 Instant Burst At The End Of The Line - Wissle

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    He didn't know where it would take him but he followed it regardless - after all it was a really weird but also awesome line! Felt like drawing one of my two OCs again, decided on Instant Burst so there's some more art with him, Rubin Hood has more already after all.
    53 - Tenebris Noctus

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    Traditions are to be kept ? Even if i didnt manage to do as many promts this year as i could once in the past Thanks to EQD for still being around and hosting these event after all these years <3 span="">
    54 I'm Gonna Be - phallen1

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    And when I come home, yes, I know I'm gonna be / I'm gonna be the pone who comes back home with you / I'm gonna be the pone who's comin' home with you
    55 Luster Dawn Graduates - SuperSonicRainboom

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    Always wanted to draw Luster Dawn for one of these prompts and this was the perfect one, also pretty fitting too. But now Natg is over and I gotta say this was pretty fun and I learned a lot from it too, also got me pretty consistent, but yeah that's all needed to say.
    59 18 inches of Messmer, 180 deaths of Cahan - Cahan

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    It's drawing for "pony being defeated" or something like that.
    60 "You Can Have This World . . ." - Emerald Light

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    . . . just give me Jesus! This one took a lot longer than some of my other pieces because of all the dark parts, and the pony head position was a new one for me! It has been a great NATG, and my thanks goes out to all the people who made it happen. (Lookin' at you, Cal!) I also hope that you all have something to think about from all the verses I've put up here. I would highly recommend reading the book of Romans in the Bible. 'Till we meet again! "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9 NIV). https://www.twowaystolive.com/
    61 Hope You Find Home - spicyricexxiv

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    "Home is where my friends are"
    62 CMC Graduation [NATG XIV - D30] - Darksly

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    Thank you so much for all the effort and dedication, Thank you Equestria Daily!
    64 The Buck Stops Here - Optimistic Neighsayer

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    Well... they went farther than they expected. What a ride.
    65 Grogar's Game - Quest Complete - Khazard

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    The final battle comes to an end, and our heroes come out victorious! The game was tough, and many obstacles stood in their way, but the bond of friendship can conquer all. Quest Complete!
    66 Graduation - ponerr

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    Onwards to wherever
    67 NATG XIV Day 30 - Squeaky_Belle

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    Guess who didn't participate until the final day :'v Anyway, rediscovered the Moody Mark Crusaders the other day, so decided to go for a style emulation! I haven't had time to upload this anywhere else, so feel free to do so on the boorus. Until next year /)

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!