• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Makeup Day 3


    Reflecting on where we have come from is an important skill for an artist or anyone to have. To see our beginnings, triumphs, and missteps, and to recognize just how far we have come. The NATG may be only for a month, but for many of you who have returned to it time and again, it is a bit more than that. It's a motivator, a time to try out new things, to get yourself into art for the first time. And while I do grow weary at the end of the event as I'm sure you all are, I enjoy this event coming around each and every year.

    For Day 29 we managed to pull in 45 ponies which now brings us up to 1667 ponies in total. Nicely done everyone!

    As for today, we don't have a prompt as today is our Final Makeup Day! If you have completed every prompt thus far, now is a good time for a little break before the final day but if you still have a prompt or two to catch up on now is your time to do it! You can find all of the prompts after the break and at our submitter!

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: 
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    All Previous Prompts

    Day 1: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony holding its ground

    Day 2: Draw a pony taking its first steps / Draw a pony coming to life

    Day 3: Draw a pony throwing caution to the wind / Draw a pony tiptoeing around danger

    Day 4: Draw a pony on a wild goose chase / Draw a pony stuck between a rock and a hard place

    Day 5: Draw a pony shrouded in mystery / Draw a pony with friends in high places

    Day 6: Draw a pony learning the ropes / Draw a pony offering a pearl of wisdom

    Day 7: Draw a pony with their better half / Draw a pony finding someone special

    Day 8: Draw a pony not thinking straight / Draw a pony who has lost their mind

    Day 9: Draw a pony working for peanuts / Draw a pony working a crummy job

    Day 10: Draw a pony feeling out of place / Draw a pony feeling right at home

    Day 11: Draw a pony reaching for the stars / Draw a pony willing to stop at nothing

    Day 12: Draw a pony exploring a place lost to legend / Draw a pony off the beaten path

    Day 13: Draw a pony experiencing their 15 minutes of fame / Draw a pony in the spotlight

    Day 14: Draw a pony falling from grace / Draw a pony past their prime

    Day 15: Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, ect / Draw a pony from another world

    Day 16: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony getting a new lease on life

    Day 17: Draw a pony scared out of their wits / Draw a pony scared stiff

    Day 18: Draw a pony taking the heat / Draw a pony chilling out

    Day 19: Draw a pony on the warpath / Draw a pony finding peace with themselves

    Day 20: Draw a pony experiencing a twist of fate / Draw a pony delaying the inevitable

    Day 21: Draw a pony following their dreams / Draw a pony feeling defeated

    Day 22: Draw a pony finding the light at the end of the tunnel / Draw a pony finding a glimmer of hope.

    Day 23: Draw a pony arriving in the nick of time / Draw a pony making up for lost time

    Day 24: Draw a pony stumbling on a secret / Draw a pony making a deal under the table

    Day 25: Draw a pony choosing the lesser of two evils / Draw a pony rotten to the core

    Day 26: Draw a pony finding their happy place / Draw a pony clearing their mind

    Day 27: Draw a pony feeling drained / Draw a pony in need of a recharge

    Day 28: Draw a pony rising to the occasion / Draw a pony taking the bull by the horns

    Day 29: Draw as many previous prompts in a single picture as you can / Draw a pony feeling nostalgic
    Previous Prompt: Draw as many previous prompts in a single picture as you can / Draw a pony feeling nostalgic
    1 Starlight The Wise - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

    Art image 1
    “Back in my day, I use to have a whole entire village of my own.”
    3 ATG2024 29 Luna missing her moon - Wissle

    Art image 3
    Luna feels nostalgic about her moon. Poor thing
    4 - DoodleDonut

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    5 [SFM] Closet of memories - red4567

    Art image 5
    Past prompts shown: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 18, 19, 24, 25, and 27.
    6 Those friendship days... - In3DS

    Art image 6
    "...where did they go? Where diiiid they go? "Eh bien, raise your berets, "To those friendship days." Amazing how long it's been since I took that leap of faith into pony.
    9 Old times, simpler times - KevinHz19

    Art image 9
    Being a Alicorn and ruler of Equestria does have its responsibility and duty weight. Am sure Twilight misses the old times when she was a Unicorn and simple Friendship times before becoming an Alicorn.
    10 Reliving great past years - Ragmo

    Art image 10
    Sharing some fond memories of the past. Man it's already s long and there are so many pictures with awesome stories in it, i haven't noticed things happened all that time until i looked back at them :D Yeah, looked at my entire gallery for this prompt. Had a small tear running down my cheek :P it's been so many years and so many different prompts and ideas; felt realy great looking back at them
    11 NATG XIV Day 29: Special Somepony - AceBlazewing

    Art image 11
    Besides containing elements of Days 1, 3, 7, and 17, this is also a direct continuation of Days 27 and 28, as Blaze receives Pecan's answer. =)
    12 Her Greatest Creation - EbbySharp

    Art image 12
    Something to be proud of.
    13 Conditional Nostalgia - Termyotter

    Art image 13
    Thing about nostalgia is good memories matter very much on the particulars of the situation.
    16 The Chaos Prompt (NATG 2024 Day 29) - IronYoshi

    Art image 16
    Embrace the chaos happening! How many prompts can you see?
    19 NATG2024d29 - As Many Prompts as Possible - C_||_R

    Art image 19
    After decades of fighting, exhausted by their reckless pursuit of trying to destroy each other, the Sisters, each scarred and changed and drained and mutually defeated, feel overcome by nostalgia for the times before they had sacrificed and lost so many, having stopped at nothing in their madness until now, and each thinking themselves and their choices the lesser of two evils. (More prompt interpretations can definitely be crammed into this description, but I ran out of time just getting the picture completed :<)
    20 A Nostalgic Pony - EmilyLsArt

    Art image 20
    Here's Pastel Brightheart holding up a classic toy I had (and still have years later)...Starsong from G3.5!
    22 What Could of Been - Star

    Art image 22
    When looking at other friends I feel the searing pain of nostalgia. What could have been for me.
    24 Mysteries of Magic - Mintwhistle

    Art image 24
    Previous prompts: 1 (standing), 5 (mystery/high place), 11 (stars), 15 (another world), 16 (species swap), 17 (scared), 24 (secret) Gallus and Smolder find a magic box with some strange powers... Meanwhile, Ocellus (who is now a hippogriff) finds some stars, all while being observed by Mistyglow/Polaris (one of the fairy brights/celestial/fancy swirl ponies from G1).
    27 Idea! - Don

    Art image 27
    Now we know why G-5 has dragons with fabulous manes
    28 Idea! - Don

    Art image 28
    Now we know why G-5 has dragons with fabulous manes
    29 Idea! - Don

    Art image 29
    Now we know why G-5 has dragons with fabulous manes
    30 Idea! - Don

    Art image 30
    Now we know why G-5 has dragons with fabulous manes
    31 Idea! - Don

    Art image 31
    Now we know why G-5 has dragons with fabulous manes
    32 - Zeta

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    33 - Zeta

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    34 2024 ATG #29: MLP Fanart: Nostalgic - Blackblade360

    Art image 34
    Here's a drawing for Prompt #29, Draw as many previous prompts in a single picture as you can / Draw a pony feeling nostalgic! In this fanart, I drew something simple, in this case: Sunny meeting Spike for the first time, and reminds him of his old friend, Twilight Sparkle Derpibooru: https://derpibooru.org/images/3394156
    35 NATG Day 29 - History of Previous Prompts - peachyraccoonsart

    Art image 35
    Two ponies on the warpath... a pony tiptoeing around danger... a pony shrouded in mystery... and a pony in the spotlight... We had fun drawing prompts in Newbie Artist Training Grounds 2024!
    36 Beast from Beyond - Equestria Exploration

    Art image 36
    Marks in Time #62 U card: "A. K. Yearling's one non-Daring Do book was a horror novel seemingly inspired by H. P. Trotcraft. The truth is that her run-in with The Beast From Beyond was so scary that she couldn't bear to write about the events happening to her alter ego!" Creature design was created by Marianne Studios as part of the Beast from Beyond Art Contest ^^
    40 Jammin Out - Novaintellus

    Art image 40
    Alright Tavi, that's a keeper!
    41 Hazy Memories - Optimistic Neighsayer

    Art image 41
    It's the first time she's heard this tune, yet it reminds her of simpler times.
    43 All the Prompts - Frith

    Art image 43
    All the things. They're all there, even the "nostalgia" prompt (#29) as it is indistinguishable from the happy place prompt (#26). The 15 minutes of fame (#13) is a subtext. Only prompts 4, 5 and 9 don't share their critter with any other prompt other than #13.
    44 Twilight Reminiscing - SuperSonicRainboom

    Art image 44
    I kinda wanted to do something more unique for this prompt but couldn't think of anything else so I just settled with Twilight remembering the times with her friends, and I'm pretty satisfied with it