• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 30


    Well, here we are everyone, the final day of the NATG for this year. It's crazy to think that another one has come and gone but as always it has been a lot of great fun! It's been lovely seeing familiar faces as well as new folks joining even as we approach our 15th year doing the NATG here on Equestria Daily. It has been a long road to get here, but now there is only one hurdle left before we can wrap everything up.

    For our Makeup Day, we managed to bring in 51 ponies which brings us up to 1718 ponies in total for the event so far. Just one more day to get that total pushed up everyone! Keep up the good work!

    Now for all of you who have kept tabs on the NATG over the years, the final day is one of celebration! Even if you only did one prompt you should feel proud just for trying and for those of you who pushed on through every prompt over the past month I am proud of you for what your willpower has managed to accomplish. We would not have all of these pony images generated by this event year after year without you all. And so, in celebration of what you all have accomplished, I'd like you to Draw a pony graduating / Draw a pony reaching the end of the line.

    As always you can find the submitter here. Final deadline is extended past the 4th for those of you who are busy with the holidays. Submitter closes on the 6th of July and a final gallery will go up the next day!

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: 
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials

    1 Nothing beats home - Oxfordinary

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    Equestria Daily's Artist Training Ground Day 26 - Draw a pony finding their happy place. I think we all can agree a warm and comfy bed is a good place to be.
    2 EXTREME Happiness - Frith

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    For Day 26: a pony finding their happy place. I went for a riot of colour. The happiness has intensified.
    3 Star-Crossed Voyagers - Buckweiser

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    NATG 2024 Day 11 "Okay, when the guards stop us, you just squawk. I'll neigh."
    4 Signal-to-Noise Ratio - Buckweiser

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    NATG 2024 Day 12 Maybe that pyramid is a giant antenna after all.
    5 What's My Age Again? - Buckweiser

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    NATG 2024 Day 14 "You are old, yes - but with age, comes experience..."
    6 Out, am I? - Buckweiser

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    NATG 2024 Day 8 "See, I'm something of an engineer myself."
    7 Bird Up! - Buckweiser

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    NATG 2024 Day 16 Why don't you walk on the wild side?
    8 Just chillin' - Fleximus

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    For once, nothing bad happen to her, so she can just rest (unlike me, duh) before the final prompt.
    10 NATG2024makeupday3 - Clearing her Mind - C_||_R

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    Lyra from Background Pony in her underground shack playing the lunar elegies. I had started an alternate sketch during day 26's prompt, and tried to finish it today, but didn't quite succeed :\
    11 Reminiscence - Frown Factory

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    yesterday's prompt
    13 Funny how many of the prompts could be answered with Dune - Zeepheru

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    1, 3.1, 6.1, 8.2, 13.2, 15, 18.1, 19.1, 28; Kinda: 5.1, 10, 11.2, 17, 20.2, 26
    15 "Life Beats" - Emerald Light

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    Like Rhett Walker says, there ain't nothin' like a Gospel song! "Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples" (Psalm 96: 1-3 NIV).
    16 Sweet Flight 1 - Lore/Docard

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    Prompt 24, Draw a Pony stumbling over a secret. Here's Part 1, which I didn't get to finish until after I did Part 2.
    17 "He Rides Again!" - Emerald Light

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    For Prompt 29 (Last one was for #26). This work combines prompts 1,4,5,15,18, and 19 at least. Hi ho, Silver!--wait, wrong western XD. "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:23-25 NIV).
    18 Honorary pony Meeegan - Minty Treble

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    11. Pony willing to stop at nothing
    19 honorary pony MeEeEeGaN - Minty Treble

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    21. Pony feeling defeated
    20 Day 12: Nightwhsiper Manor - Taichi

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    Sunny and friends learned of a strange place far in the outskirts of Ponyville, a place forgotten, neglected, and for good reason with the tales of strange sightings and something ominous about the old mansion that was believed to once be the home of a prince of Tartarus. The bleached hydra skulls stand as testament to the past occupant's skill. Trophies of a time long ago. The legends say anypony who dares to pass the threshold is doomed to never come back the same, and that it could hold relics unknown...
    21 Day 13: Amber's 15 Minutes of Fame - Taichi

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    After a brief conflict over Amber's hunt being disrupted, they managed to make the front page with her statement with the help of her Tai.
    22 NATG XIV Day 14 : Vatha's Fall From Grace - Taichi

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    Once the proud and mighty Grand Inquisitor for the court of Nightwhisper, highborn of Tartarus, Lady Vatha's plans to usurp the seat of power from the House of Pride, can only now eke out the rest of her life as an outcast, shunned and branded no longer as Lady Vatha, Grand Inquisitor of House NightWhisper. For she is now forever known as Vatha the Traitor, fallen from the grace of Nightwhisper Citadel.
    23 Day 15: A Choose Your Pony Adventure Book! - Taichi

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    Albel, your friend and highborn Prince of Tartarus has been kidnapped and it's up to YOU to help find him. You have gone along to help your friend, Shade, to pursue his captors to the depths of Tartarus and back to rescue him. But there is more to this than meets the eye, and the answers lie within those ancient walls of the seat of power of Tartarus itself: Nightwhisper Citadel. But to get there and find clues to Albel's whereabouts, where will you search first? If you follow Shade outside of the manor, you may witness Albel being abducted before your very eyes! Or if you are brave enough to explore the dark rooms of the manor's mysterious catacombs you may unknowingly release some ancient demon of envy and desire that is desperate to escape and make you their personal vessel with a bargain for power at the cost of your friends if you are not careful! How this story ends depends on you and the choices made along the way, dear reader!
    24 Day 16: Amber's New Lease On LIfe - Taichi

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    Once lost and suffering in the demon world, Amber found her ray of hope through Tai in her escape. With the help of Princes Cadance, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, they were able to help Amber achieve physical form. She was free now, safe, and with her beloved Tai.
    25 Reviews Are In - AnimatorWil

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    Day 14 "Draw a pony falling from grace / Draw a pony past their prime"
    26 Luna Moth Pony - AnimatorWil

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    Day 15 "Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, ect / Draw a pony from another world
    27 Calling Light - AnimatorWil

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    Day 22 "Draw a pony finding the light at the end of the tunnel / Draw a pony finding a glimmer of hope
    31 Jagged Pet - Lore/Docard

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    My wicked OC chemist, Jagged Pill grew a new pet. (she's rotten to the core, btw)
    32 Day 17: Amber's Veggie Jumpscare - Taichi

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    Amber got startled by a stray veggie that fell out of a pony's basket on the way from the market. Amber wasn't sure what it was, but it gave her a good scare.
    34 Cat Life - AnimatorWil

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    Day 16: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony getting a new lease on life
    38 Catching Up - Frith

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    Day 23: pony making up for lost time. Cider! Cider! Cider! Cider! Cider! Cider! Cider! Cider! It's not just what's for breakfast anymore.
    39 Yak is Best Buell - Frith

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    Day 28: Taking a bull by the horns. Yak is best Buell, take yellow pony for ride.
    40 Rhapsody in Blue - Optimistic Neighsayer

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    100 years ago, one of the most durable pieces in the American classical repertoire, Rhapsody in Blue, had its first performance. There is definitely something very magical about Gershwin's works, from his Broadway tunes that have become jazz standards to his bold classical works aiming for a synthesis of high art and popular culture (at least, popular when he was around). Someday, I hope to be able to compose like him.
    41 The Old Queen - Cahan

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    Fanfic art for "Trucizna w naszych ?y?ach". Queen Daybreaker belongs to Obsede.
    42 Day 18: Taking Heat - Taichi

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    Albel isn't bothered by the intense heat, he doesn't get what the big deal is.
    44 Day 19: Finding Peace In a Blanket Nest - Taichi

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    Amber finds peace with being comfortably rested in her blanket nest.
    45 Day 20: Delaying the Inevitable - Taichi

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    Darklord Shal, demon pony of Sloth, shirks his duties as usual, attending to them later. Even if it means that at some point there will be yet another escape attempt at some point that could have been prevented.
    48 Day 18 - Happy Friends (animated) - spicyricexxiv

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    "Now under warm blue skies or cold winter stars"

    "Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty"

    "So much I would miss when I would reflect"
    51 - Grogar's Game - Final Showdown - Khazard

    "The final battle is underway. Grogar is a formidable final, keeping the party on their hooves. But through their adventures, these five ponies have become tight-knit friends, and their teamwork gets them an upper hand. Is this enough to triumph, or will they be another entry in countless attempts at this game?"

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!