• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Makeup Day 2


    Like Death and Taxes, a Pinkie Pie hug is inevitable. You might hide from it, you might be prepared for it, but Pinkie will always find a way to surprise you. In the end, it is just best to accept such a fate.

    And with tonight wrapping up our 20th prompt, we managed to bring in 48 ponies today which now brings us up to 1185 ponies as we head into the weekend!

    Speaking of the weekend, there is no better time than for our second Makeup Day! For those of you working hard and managing to get in all of the prompts so far, feel free to take a breather or even try one of the prompts over again. If you missed a prompt or two, now is your chance to get them finished and submitted!

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: 
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    All Prior Prompts:
    Day 1: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony holding its ground
    Day 2: Draw a pony taking its first steps / Draw a pony coming to life
    Day 3: Draw a pony throwing caution to the wind / Draw a pony tiptoeing around danger
    Day 4: Draw a pony on a wild goose chase / Draw a pony stuck between a rock and a hard place
    Day 5: Draw a pony shrouded in mystery / Draw a pony with friends in high places
    Day 6: Draw a pony learning the ropes / Draw a pony offering a pearl of wisdom
    Day 7: Draw a pony with their better half / Draw a pony finding someone special
    Day 8: Draw a pony not thinking straight / Draw a pony who has lost their mind
    Day 9: Draw a pony working for peanuts / Draw a pony working a crummy job
    Day 10: Draw a pony feeling out of place / Draw a pony feeling right at home
    Day 11: Draw a pony reaching for the stars / Draw a pony willing to stop at nothing
    Day 12: Draw a pony exploring a place lost to legend / Draw a pony off the beaten path
    Day 13: Draw a pony experiencing their 15 minutes of fame / Draw a pony in the spotlight
    Day 14: Draw a pony falling from grace / Draw a pony past their prime
    Day 15: Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, ect / Draw a pony from another world
    Day 16: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony getting a new lease on life
    Day 17: Draw a pony scared out of their wits / Draw a pony scared stiff
    Day 18: Draw a pony taking the heat / Draw a pony chilling out
    Day 19: Draw a pony on the warpath / Draw a pony finding peace with themselves
    Day 20: Draw a pony experiencing a twist of fate / Draw a pony delaying the inevitable

    2 - Zeta

    Art image 2
    stop at nothing
    3 Twilights Mission - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

    Art image 3
    First scenes of the episode summarised.
    4 - DoodleDonut

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    8 Twist fate of being a mother - KevinHz19

    Art image 8
    My OC, Kayla with her daughter, second OC, Harmony sleeping on her back. Never would Kayla in the past, thought to have a daughter to care and love. But now she has one to being a mother now and having a daughter to give her motherly love towards.
    9 Dread it. Run from it. - In3DS

    Art image 9
    When you think about it, the game's a good metaphor for life. Sometimes you pull ahead into a comfortable 1st place - and then BAM, you get blue shelled.
    10 [SFM] Maybe add a boat or rubber ducky - red4567

    Art image 10
    Sometimes Izzy's got the mindset of a six-year-old, and I don't mean that in pony years.
    12 Deceived - Zeccy

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    NOOOO, TIA! Thoose ain't chocolate cookies :(
    13 I don't want to go - Ragmo

    Art image 13
    Back in NATG VI Day 22 (2016), when Starlight Glimmer went to far back in time when she modified Starswirls spell (Season 5 Episode 25/26 the cutie re-mark) and ended in the stoneage, Caveman Pony got transported to our time. Time doesn't take kindle when it gets altered and wants Caveman Pony back where he's supposed to be. But after all those years he found a new home and lots of friends. Let's hope Starlight can save the situation ?
    14 Lucky Little Pony - Mintwhistle

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    I had trouble coming up with ideas for either prompt, so I just drew Serendipity, a pony from G3. Here she finds two pots of gold and a double rainbow! How lucky!
    15 The Three Sisters of Fate - Star

    Art image 15
    "As the daughters of the Night, the Fates ruled the dark destinies of human (pony)kind. A golden thread represented each person's life and destiny that the Fates spun on their spinning wheel. Once a person's life ended, the sisters cut the thread. Clotho spun the thread, Lachesis (the allotter of time) measured it, and Atropos cut it when it was time for someone to die. " https://www.worldhistory.org/Fates/
    16 twist of fate - 32232232

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    18 POV you lane against twisted fate - PinkR

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    23 Not Backing Down - EmilyLsArt

    Art image 23
    Inspired by concept art from MLP the Movie (2017) where Twilight gains a magical upgrade similar to the rainbow power seen in the show. In my version of it, the power saves her from inevitable death in battle, but for how long?...
    24 NATG XIV Day 20: Bedtime Bargaining - AceBlazewing

    Art image 24
    One of the biggest weaknesses of loving aunts like Cookie: a well-executed puppy-dog-eyed 'please' face. =P
    26 Oopsies! - Ria

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    28 path - Zeta

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    29 Fate - Frith

    Art image 29
    The cruel twisting of fate, to be warped by corporate whim, the past falling to ruin and the tide of change sweeping it all away to oblivion. Bye Pinkie, there is no delaying the inevitable.
    30 Twi-st of Fate - Termyotter

    Art image 30
    Twist of fate having Twi laid low by her favorite thing.
    32 - .derpy.

    Art image 32
    A literal twisting of fate
    35 "Priceless" - Emerald Light

    Art image 35
    “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:44-46 NIV).
    36 RumblexTwist - Lore/Docard

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    Don't look yourself up on DeviantArt, Rumble.
    37 Opportunity - SOENJAY

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    Mustang works at Filly's Diner during the week and his first real radio gig was the weekend 6-midnight slot on KWPT, Whinnysota classic rock radio.
    38 NATG2024d20 - Twist of Fate - C_||_R

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    Apple Bloom is getting real tired of temporal shenanigans ending up always going in circles.
    40 Procrastination (NATG 2024 Day 20) - IronYoshi

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    She does raise a good point...
    42 NATG Day 20 - A Doomed Fate - peachyraccoonsart

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    What if a pony came from the "Sombra War" universe, you could meet a pony look like you but different... it's considered as a unfortunate fate for her.
    43 Point Source Problems - Optimistic Neighsayer

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    You can't say I wasn't warned.
    45 Will Miss You Friend - Novaintellus

    Art image 45
    It was a great rodeo, you were the best girl.
    46 Eepy Twily - spicyricexxiv

    Art image 46
    "This is it, no way can I feel more content"
    47 Charred Flare drinks Coffee - SuperSonicRainboom

    Art image 47
    Hope, I make it make sense but basically, drinking the coffee is trying to stop the inevitability of falling asleep, yeah I was kinda stumped for this prompt

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!