• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 23


    Language is an interesting thing, isn't it? Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel can either mean that you're about to leave a bad situation for a more hopeful future or in another case it can mean passing on to the afterlife. Even then some can take it literally and have a light heading towards them at the end of a tunnel. That's what makes wordplay so wonderful for the NATG: a prompt can mean so many different things!

    As for today, we brought in 46 ponies which now brings us up to 1325 ponies in total as our event slowly starts to wind down. Keep it up, everyone!

    So far for the NATG, I have been taking a lot of inspiration from you all, especially those in the Discord channel, as I watch panicking ponies try to get their submissions turned in or draw as much as they can on Makeup Days. That's why for today, in recognition of that struggle, I would like you to Draw a pony arriving in the nick of time / Draw a pony making up for lost time.

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: 
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    Previous Prompt: Draw a pony finding the light at the end of the tunnel / Draw a pony finding a glimmer of hope
    1 - PinkR

    Art image 1
    5 - DoodleDonut

    Art image 5
    6 [SFM] Not the light they had in mind - red4567

    Art image 6
    Why is it when a railroad track is seen in a movie or tv show, it always means a train is coming?
    8 Novo's New Beginning (NATG 2024 Day 22) - IronYoshi

    Art image 8
    Novo looks up as she prepares to lead her kind in a new era after the defeat of the Storm King!
    9 Apple Harvest completed - KevinHz19

    Art image 9
    It's always a difficult task for Applejack to harvest apples and finish them on time, daily. But when she finishes harvesting and completes her other chores, she becomes free to hang out with her friends.
    11 The Harvester of Souls - Star

    Art image 11
    You find yourself looking at the light at the end of the tunnel.
    12 Like a moth to the flame - Fleximus

    Art image 12
    Truly an unlucky day, even for her.
    13 NATG XIV Day 22: Matchmaker Maggie - AceBlazewing

    Art image 13
    While Maggie's not the type of pony to pat herself on the back too often, she can't help but feel happy and hopeful seeing Blaze and Pecan being cute together, after she helped introduce them to each other. =)
    14 NATG2024d22 - Finding the Glimmer of Hope - C_||_R

    Art image 14
    One of Forga Lorga's pre-contact Starlight Glimmers goes time hopping rather than dimension hopping all on her own, but she gets discovered by the others eventually! Poor Sunny :<
    16 End of the story - Ragmo

    Art image 16
    Oh no... they failed. Caveman Pony got sucked back into his original time. Stranded in the past it seems as all hope has been lost :( This was the one a wanted to do yesterday, but wasn't sure when and how i could continue with Caveman Pony during this NATG. Todays prompt was perfect for that. (see submission "A (Starlight) Glimmer of hope")
    17 A Splash of Hope (and Color) - Mintwhistle

    Art image 17
    Continued from the day 17 piece. Izzy encounters her friend Sunny, and with it, some color!
    18 A (Starlight) Glimmer of hope - Ragmo

    Art image 18
    She found him! Starlight actually managed to get a portal to the right timeframe \o/ We can get Caveman Pony back to our time... or back to the future. I'm sure that Starlight can make sure and finds a spell, so something like this won't happen again, now that she knows what eventually could happen when you mess with time. This, for me, was the perfect prompt for this 3 day adventure of timetravel and it's consequnces. Order: NATG XIV: Day 20: I don't want to go NATG XIV: Day 22: End of the story NATG XIV: Day 22: A (Starlight) Glimmer of hope (you are here) NATG XIV: Day 21: I stay here! \o/
    25 Chibi Glimmer - EmilyLsArt

    Art image 25
    Here, have a chibi Starlight Glimmer for this prompt because that's what first came to my mind.
    27 Livin' on a Prayer - phallen1

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    We've gotta hold on to what we've got
    28 Detective - SOENJAY

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    29 Dead End - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

    Art image 29
    At least there was something.
    30 The Light - Frith

    Art image 30
    Beware the light at the end of the tunnel for it may well be the cyclopean eye of an iron horse.
    31 2024 ATG #22 MLP Fanart: Hopefull Love - Blackblade360

    Art image 31
    Here's a drawing for Prompt #22, Draw a pony finding the light at the end of the tunnel / Draw a pony finding a glimmer of hope. In this fanart, it is more of a prequel of prompt 17. In this case, this artwork shows Heartbeat having a glimmer of hope of having a good life, and also having a good relationship with somepony. And also the fact that Stone Wave suggest that Heartbeat need some therapist to talk to as well.. Plus some oc lore moment, her mane color used to be yellow, but she dyed it cyan due to not wanting the yellow part to remind her of something. For now it seems like the yellow part is slightly showing up again. Derpibooru: https://derpibooru.org/images/3389739
    35 NATG Day 22 (1 of 2) - Found The Light! - peachyraccoonsart

    Art image 35
    Looks like the pony has finally found the light in the tunnel! Woo-hoo!
    36 NATG Day 22 (2 of 2) - The Doctor's Hope - peachyraccoonsart

    Art image 36
    "Getting hurt" is a bad situation—you could find a doctor who can take care of you when you get hurt! A example for the hope: The doctor has taken care of the bandit/outlaw's injured leg because he got hurt!
    38 Lighter at the End of the Tunnel - Termyotter

    Art image 38
    "Light" can be interpreted different ways. As long as the old clues you have are in the same language, seem some ancient explorer wanted to have a bit of a joke with those that came later.
    39 A Chance For Glimmy - spicyricexxiv

    Art image 39
    "You're never alone, and home isn't too far"
    41 Power of Friendship - Novaintellus

    Art image 41
    Dear Princess Celestia, neutrons are a b*tch
    42 "Endurance's Reward" - Emerald Light

    Art image 42
    Not much experience drawing mares (or skirts) and this was very rushed, but he's we are :). "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:2-7 NIV).
    43 Celestia the Merciful - Cahan

    Art image 43
    Celestia loved her ponies so much that when Discord cursed them with his twisted mind, she tore her soul and created the First Flame to purify the minds of her subjects. Any creature that dares to look at even a fragment of Celestia's soul will be purged and unable to do evil, because weak minds can not stand against will of what is divine.
    45 - PinkR

    Art image 45

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!