• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 21


    And with another Makeup Day done and dusted, we are now in the home stretch as we tackle the last 10 prompts for this year's NATG. It's always crazy just how fast this event goes by, but all good things have to eventually come to an end, yeah?

    For today, we managed to get 48 ponies which brings us up to 1233 ponies in total! Let's see how close we can get to 1500 everyone! Keep up that amazing work!

    As we return to our regular prompts, I was inspired for the day 21 prompts by my artist friends. Often as an artist, you'll run into the many highs and lows of the craft, either being really proud of your work or feeling as if you're in a rut. I've even seen it to a degree in the NATG chat from day to day! So to take notice of those joys and sorrows for today's prompt you'll Draw a pony following their dreams / Draw a pony feeling defeated.

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: 
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials

    1 NATG XIV Day 16: Species Swap (OC Edition) - AceBlazewing

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    I drew Cookie as a dragon and Syntax as a griffon during a previous ATG, but now Pastel, Blazewing, and Pecan get to join the fun of being different creatures as well. =)
    2 Envy - CrystalLord

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    This is my make up for Day 14: Draw a pony falling from grace / Draw a pony past their prime
    3 Day 8: Tai Loses His Mind Over Drawing Art - Taichi

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    Tai is pushing himself too much over drawing again and losing his mind! Belle is used to these pony panic meltdowns, and has her bonker at the ready.
    4 Day 9: Tai's Crummy Part Time Job - Taichi

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    Sometimes Tai needs a little security as back up when he has to do some side work for his art supply fund. The creeps don't seem to understand personal space.
    5 In the Spotlight! - Oxfordinary

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    For Day 13 - Draw a pony in the spotlight! Trixie taught Derpy what she knew about drawing eyes to yourself.
    8 Day 10: Tai's Second Home - Taichi

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    The art store is so familiar to Tai that he makes himself quite at home in more ways than one!
    9 Goose Chasin' - ponerr

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    "Come here ya damn goose!"
    10 Ladybug - ponerr

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    11 Off the Beaten Path - Frith

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    Day 12, off the beaten path. After a 12 hour day in the chocolate mines (not counting my unpaid lunch hour) I was too drained to work on this prompt apart from deciding what to draw. In my Wildlife encyclopedia, there's a picture of an ibex chilling all cool on top of an impossible-to-climb pillar of bare rock. Yas, now that's off the beaten path by rights. I ran with that. Coloured pencils for the pone, pastels for the rest.
    13 Dragon Birbs (NATG 2024 Day 16) - IronYoshi

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    Lilly and Icy have become dragons!
    15 Day 11: Stardust Reaches for the Stars - Taichi

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    Auntie Luna helps her adorable niece, Stardust reach for the beautiful stars that decorate her night sky.
    16 Day 7- Posey and Pipp - Pineapple

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    18 Qinsire - Fleximus

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    Qin is one of my Oc's, a Kirin. And Quagsire a cool pokemon
    19 Day2 - Wild goose chase - Wolfy

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    20 Day10 - out of place or right at home? - Wolfy

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    24 - .derpy.

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    Finished version of a day 20 sketch
    25 What needs to be done - Frown Factory

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    the unicorn can fix that for sure... 150 minutes
    26 Hollow Mount (Day 15) - PencilMaelle

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    I jumped aboard to late for this prompt, I'm so happy to finally do it !!
    27 The Peak - Equestria Exploration

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    Wasn't completely satisfied with yesterday's image, specifically the illustration. So, I ended up reworking it so as to give more life to the villager ponies (ironically given the context).
    29 drama queen - Tori

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    30 acceptance - Tori

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    32 "The Sinful Nature" - Emerald Light

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    For Prompt #15, the crossover one. I did Star Wars, and decided to give Emerald Pencil more of a crouching pose, although the robe kind of hides it. "“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.” (Jeremiah 17:9-10 NLT).
    33 falling from grace - Zeta

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    Trixie:"well, at least it can't get any woAAAAAAAAAAHH!!"
    34 Washed - SOENJAY

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    Return of everyone's favorite background character... the couch. Also a new pony. His name is Rustic Flick. He sees Mustang as an older brother type. He is a creative and loves making fun movies with his friends.
    38 Making Peace - Frith

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    This would be task #19, a pony finding peace with themselves. That would be through acceptance, thus Celestia has made peace with her actions, embraces her regrets and merges with them to become whole. Coloured pencils on paper to better show that Celestia prime is going translucent as she is merged into Celestia proper.
    39 Cake Deployed - AnimatorWil

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    Day 02 Draw a pony taking its first steps / Draw a pony coming to life
    40 Back Ally - AnimatorWil

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    Day 05 Draw a pony shrouded in mystery / Draw a pony with friends in high places.
    41 Home Time - AnimatorWil

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    Day 10: Draw a pony feeling out of place / Draw a pony feeling right at home
    42 Do you wanna burn Anor Londo with me? - Cahan

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    Day 15: Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, ect / Draw a pony from another world
    43 Grogar's Game - Breaking Time - Khazard

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    Making up for the Day 20 prompt A rogue mage has stolen the secrets of time magic, and the party is sent to track him down out of fear of what abusing such powerful forces can bring. They track him down and get him cornered, but he can halt any attempt they make to bring him in. Tempest steps up to bat despite her spells being locked. She however takes this as a challenge, conjuring more and more spells to throw. They are in a stalemate of spell creation and freezing, however time magic has its limits, and in a way he's only making this oncoming barrage worse for himself.
    44 NATG2024makeupday2 - Finding Somepony Special - C_||_R

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    Chose to further develop an alternate sketch from day 7, Twilight sees Star Swirl perhaps for the first time in semi-physical form.
    45 Lost Driver - Optimistic Neighsayer

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    When you're a magical unicorn that can't think straight, weird things can happen.
    46 War and Glory - Cahan

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    Day 19: Draw a pony on the warpath / Draw a pony finding peace with themselves
    47 Day 12: Free from war - PinkR

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    48 Day 19: Jade - PinkR

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    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!