• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 14


    Sometimes that 15 minutes of fame we crave is given to us for the wrong reasons. Just make sure when you're out there on the vastness of the internet that you make sure you don't end up like poor Lyra here.

    As for our ponies in the spotlight, today we managed to shine a light on 52 ponies which now brings us to a total of 824 ponies altogether! Nice work everyone!

    Speaking of how fame can be a double-edged sword, much like our poor Lyra here, sometimes there are things we do that can make us take a tumble in the public eye or, on a small scale, within your family and friends. Sometimes we just fade away once our time in the limelight is over. Today we take a look at things from the other perspective as I'd like you to Draw a pony falling from grace / Draw a pony past their prime.

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below:
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    Previous Prompt: Draw a pony having their 15 minutes of fame / Draw a pony in the spotlight
    1 Queen of Ponies - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

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    Yes, I know Freddie Mercury has short hair, but I made him a pony so I went with a long mullet.
    3 Shane tries to sing at Stage - Shane Park

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    He isn't good at singing in front of Everypony at the Stages, who knows what's going to happen when Shane Park just standing by the Spotlight and sing along just like Spike did.
    5 Trixie - Zeepheru

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    Very loose interpretation of the prompt ¯\_(?)_/¯
    6 - DoodleDonut

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    8 NATG XIV Day 13: After-contest Speech - AceBlazewing

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    For Cookie, eating contests like these are more about enjoying a lot of delicious food made by talented ponies more than winning, but if she does win, it's a nice bonus. =P
    9 Spotlight on Stage - KevinHz19

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    Fluttershy in the spotlight on stage. Oh dear, one of Fluttershy's worse fear, stage fright
    11 [SFM] It's "My Bananas" all over again! - red4567

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    At least they know how to use POV correctly.
    12 Good work, kiddo - Fleximus

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    Let's just hope she won't bring that megaphone again
    13 Songbird Equestrian Bits - Lore/Docard

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    Live at The Root Cellar! Tip your server!
    14 Trixie - Frown Factory

    Art image 14
    80 min Trixie
    16 Come join me - Ragmo

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    Back in NATG VII Caveman Pony graduated, in NATG XII he (re)invented the wheel and for now... he's a rock star \o/ and he wants to celebrate that together with Swift Sword
    17 Skydancers's Spotlight - EmilyLsArt

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    Featuring the G1 pony Skydancer under the spotlight of the sun's rays! In my own AU (coming soon-ish), she is the queen of her skyland at the region of Ponlandia (based on G1's Ponyland).
    19 - PinkR

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    20 Enamored - Mintwhistle

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    Based on a piece I did for last year's NATG, where a changeling disguised as Fluttershy becomes really popular.
    23 2024 ATG #13: MLP Fanart: Colt in Spotlight - Blackblade360

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    Here's a drawing for Prompt #13, Draw a pony experiencing their 15 minutes of fame / Draw a pony in the spotlight In this fanart, I drew Tender Taps since I haven't draw him yet, plus he did got rid of his fear of stage fright and got his cutie mark Derpibooru: https://derpibooru.org/images/3383330
    26 Jukebox Hero - phallen1

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    So he started rockin', ain't never gonna stop! Gotta keep on rockin', someday gonna make it to the top!
    28 SproutLight - EbbySharp

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    Mob mob, mobmobmobmob mob mob, angry angry
    29 "ruby" - Torb

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    31 Banger - SOENJAY

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    It's not original, but it's funny.
    32 Time in the Spotlight (NATG 2024 Day 13) - IronYoshi

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    Two very underrated characters are in the spotlight now! It's a shame that they're constantly ignored all the time in favor of more "popular" characters...
    36 Spotlight - Frith

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    Yesterday's 'off the beaten path' would have been an ideal prompt for Shamanguli, they'd crank out pictures of ponies lost in these amazing landscapes, day after day. Haven't seen Shamanguli's art in a while. Today, bright lights time. I used the Scribbler. I didn't get the mix of detail and abstraction I was looking for.
    37 The Sword In the Stone. - Star

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    "whoever pulls this sword from the stone is the true king of England." - The Sword in the Stone.
    38 An Angel? - Novaintellus

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    As you can tell, Bon Bon, I'm innocent
    41 Coloratura in the Spotlight - SuperSonicRainboom

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    Drew Coloratura cause why not but honestly her design is really good in my opinion like what is it with the Mlp designers cooking so hard for characters that barely appear
    44 NATG Day 13 - Pro Wrestler Rango - peachyraccoonsart

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    "All hail the greatest of all time champion, EL RANGO!" Had fun drawing my OC Rango in his professional wrestling outfit! :)
    46 - Zeta

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    47 Stridin’ Broadside Barb - Optimistic Neighsayer

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    No, don’t ask her to sing you a song.
    48 Elements doin their thing - spicyricexxiv

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    "Laughter and generosity"
    50 All Eyes - Emerald Light

    Art image 50
    Because standing for purity is that much harder with crowds chanting for your demise. I did a rear view this time, which I've only done once before, and even then, only with the head turned, so this was new. "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV)
    51 Coloratura - DominicToblerone27

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    52 Grogar's Game - Alerting the Guards - Khazard

    Art image 52
    The party sneaks into an old hideout to see if there's anything of value left. They end up finding more than they bargained for, as somepony else has set up there

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!