• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 11


    Source - Buckweiser

    It's good to take a breather sometimes to help yourself rest or just get caught up on things you need or want to get done. Now that our first Makeup Day is over I am hoping everyone is feeling refreshed or, at the very least, feeling caught up and ready to tackle the next ten prompts!

    Before we get to that time for the pony count! Tonight we managed to bring in 59 ponies which now brings us up to 663 ponies in total!

    Now that we are all recharged or caught up I hope you are all ready to dive right back into the NATG with gusto! Today's prompt is an inspiration from that can do spirit as I would like you to Draw a pony reaching for the stars / Draw a pony willing to stop at nothing.

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below:
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    Previous Prompt Was All Past Prompts
    1 The Mad Scientist Sparklestein - Oxfordinary Art

    Art image 1
    For day 8 - losing one’s mind.
    2 Day 1 Holding ground - Tealmint Moonrise

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    Revisit other NATG days, some have been updated (added in) after the initial post!
    3 "One is clever, but cunning...the other is cunning, but clever!" - Campfire Glow

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    NATG XIV Day 4 prompt: Draw a Pony on a wild goose chase/Draw a pony stuck between a rock and a hard place. Palouse Ponies' campaign character Campfire Glow is caught between a rock and a hard place trying to get that MacGuffin or face disaster dominos ahead of the derby...
    4 NATG XIV Day 1 - "I've got it!" - Campfire Glow

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    Loophole is playing in the assist role for the Whitetail Wood Wendigos in their Buckball game against The Canterlot Guardians.
    5 NATG XIV Day 3 - "Ahem!" - Campfire Glow

    Art image 5
    An AU piece where Campfire Glow has had enough of Dr. Atmosphere's lax safety standards in the Rainbow Factory. Someone could get hurt... (Inspiration taken from artist Threetwotwo32232's "OSHA lime": https://www.deviantart.com/threetwo.....lime-956415030)
    13 This Must Be The Place - phallen1

    Art image 13
    If someone asks, this where I'll be
    14 NATG XIV Day 10 - "I Can't Stay Here" - Campfire Glow

    Art image 14
    Adopting the pony persona named Sugar Song was easy for Corium. A few days passing into Canterlot, collect love, leave. But after making friends, trying to keep up the facade takes a lot out of anyling that wants to stay in one place for a long time and not be discovered.
    15 Harold's Jam - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

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    A ponified scene from the powerpuff girls episode titled "Supper Villian". This is the scene where he is working at the jam factory.
    16 Snowy, thief of frienship - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

    Art image 16
    Snowflake was tired of being the nice one, it's time the tables where turned. Snowflake said "Who needs the mane 6 when their is the mane me!". Now she hides in the shadows, avoiding everypony.
    17 Lyra and Bobon - ponerr

    Art image 17
    “Lyra, I love you but please… humans don’t exist.”
    20 Shane's standing on it - Shane Park

    Art image 20
    He walked at the Neighborhood in Cloudsdale and he stopped by standing here and saw that lights coming out from skies.
    21 Mini Flutters - Zeccy

    Art image 21
    There is this little thing that is being hosted where you can make some mini paintings and just leave/take what you disire. This is my contrebution, hope there is a random brony who finds it <3 span="">
    22 Day 2: Tai's Drawing Comes to Life! - Taichi

    Art image 22
    Tai was not sure how it happened, but his drawing of a unicorn came to life! Perhaps it was that mysterious art shop owned by a little unicorn mare who sold him some enchanted art supplies?
    23 Day 3: Tiptoe Past Amber - Taichi

    Art image 23
    Amber is feeling frisky and lurks under her blanket nest at the foot of the stairs waiting for anyone to walk past her so she can leap out and bap them with her paw. Tai know he has little chance of getting away un-bapped, but attempts to tiptoe past her up the stairs anyway.
    24 Day 4: Wild Goose Chase: Impossible Pen - Taichi

    Art image 24
    Tai had been burning the midnight oil trying to invent an impossible drawing tool. Belle can tell it's time for him to go do bed!
    25 Day 6: Stardust's Pearl of Wisdom - Taichi

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    Stardust offers a pearl of wisdom that anything easy should include an actual piece of cake as a reward. Princess Celestia would most likely agree with her, too.
    27 Day 7: Shade's Better Half - Taichi

    Art image 27
    Shade and her loving better half, Morpheus, share a loving moment together over a candle lit dinner for two.
    28 "Resting" day - Fleximus

    Art image 28
    What happen when you want some rest, but can't take it
    30 Can't even think straight - Frown Factory

    Art image 30
    Day 8, 100 minutes - forgor to post this here on time -_-
    31 Day5 - friends in High Places - Wolfy

    Art image 31
    Dear princess Celestia...
    32 make up day 1 (day 2 A Pony Taking its First Steps Forward, Coming to Life) - C_||_R

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    Skellinore takes her first steps and it's a bad time for Garbunkle!
    33 Shrouded - Frith

    Art image 33
    For Day 5, a pony shrouded in mystery. I used ZeFrank's Scribbler (downloaded) in Media Player Classic Home Cinema and then flipped the result to a negative image. If you wanted to get a copy of ZeFrank's Scribbler, it looks like it's gone now.
    35 How it could've ended. (Day 6) - Sleepless Eevee

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    I guess Novo is having a good day today.
    36 Crazy bug (Day 8) - Sleepless Eevee

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    This was traced from the episode "The beginning of the end". Not proud that I traced it, but I wanted to get every missed one done today.
    37 Bench buddies (Day 7) - Sleepless Eevee

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    This was completely rushed and doesn't look good in my opinion. I like Lyra's horn design though.
    38 Shrouded without the shrouds - Frith

    Art image 38
    For Day 5, a pony shrouded in mystery. Different drawing, different approach. ZeFrank's Scribbler again plus tricks.
    39 Wake Me Up Inside - Buckweiser

    Art image 39
    Belated Day 2 entry.
    40 Charred Flare learning spells - SuperSonicRainboom

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    Drew my oc learning some pyrokinetic spells from a book this was finished a few days ago
    41 Echo standing her ground - SuperSonicRainboom

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    This was my first drawing for this contest and I accidentally forgot to draw her tail haha.. oh well its a learning process after all
    42 The Creation - Star

    Art image 42
    This is the one and only time you will see my hand. This is the original: https://www.thesistinechapel.org/the-creation-of-adam
    43 "The Tempter" - Emerald Light

    Art image 43
    Looks pretty harmless, huh? This is for Prompt #1: Pony standing/standing his ground. "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:41).
    44 "Reading of Home" - Emerald Light

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    Drawing from the well! I decided to go faceless with this one, because I liked the more symbolic look when paired with the "house." "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body" (Philippians 3:20-21 NIV).
    45 13 Silver Dollars - SOENJAY

    Art image 45
    I get most of my inspiration from song lyrics. This one is my favorite song by the Canadian country artist Colter Wall. Everything about this situation screams "Mustang" but since Desert canonically wears a stetson, he gets to be the one drunk in a snowbank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4getBk1onkY
    46 Day 1 Makeup: Uptown Canterlot - KiwiPLUR

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    Everywhere you look, someone's trying to sell you something.
    47 Day 4 Makeup: Tough Compitition - KiwiPLUR

    Art image 47
    "Gotta look cool for the fans! But this guy's lookin' at me like he wants me dead... G-Gotta look cool for the fans! B-But..."
    48 Day 5 Makeup: A Whisper Unshrouded. - KiwiPLUR

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    This one's a bit of a stretch. She lives in a ceiling fan and her name's Shroud. does that count? ;0;
    49 Day 6 - Me (right) teaching my friend (left) to secure for climbing. - Faery Elise

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    I didn't get time to do full arts for the makup day so they're both sketches.
    50 Day 10 - Feeling right at home - Faery Elise

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    I'm the most at home when I'm with my friends! So here we are all together. I'm the Unicorn on the bottom.
    51 Meta-artistry (Day 6) - SkulltanEve

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    This is me, learning to draw on a computer to make my first submission to the NATG.
    52 Mill Work - Frith

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    For the Day 9 task, a pony with a crummy job. Walking all day around and round a mill stone to grind grain, while blindfolded, would be about the crummiest job a pony could get. Could be worse, you could be on fire.
    53 Wheel of Fire - Frith

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    For the crummy job task, Day 9. Remember Applejack spinning the wheel running the cherry-sorting belt? At least it wasn't on fire.
    54 Random idle pony - ponerr

    Art image 54
    Standing there, menacingly!
    55 Is it home? - Cahan

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    Commission. Snowi belongs to Snowi (and he knows about NATG).
    56 Poni going to fight BBEG - spicyricexxiv

    Art image 56
    "Now I know, that the opposite is true"

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!