• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 9


    Is Twilight on to something and is about to turn Equestria on its head or has she finally lost it? All we know is that Starlight looks quite concerned for her friend.

    While we may have had our ponies losing their minds today I certainly hope that wasn't the case for you all! Thanks to your efforts we managed to bring in 61 ponies today which brings us up to 493 ponies as we head into Sunday. Nice work everyone!

    Today's prompt goes to all of you who are working hard at the same time while you're doing the NATG. Many artists have to work while finding time to pursue their passions with the dream of one day supporting themselves with their art full-time. It takes a long time to get to that point, but if you stick with it and gather a following I know you all can do it! That's why for today I'd like you to Draw a pony working for peanuts / Draw a pony working a crummy job.

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below:
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    Previous Prompt: Draw a pony not thinking straight / Draw a pony losing their mind
    1 - don

    Art image 1
    4 - DoodleDonut

    Art image 4
    5 [SFM] Zipp's gonna lose her marbles too - red4567

    Art image 5
    I'm surprised the prompt didn't literally say "Draw a pony who lost their marbles." Also, why do some cartoons depict insane people wearing a Napoleon hat?
    6 Euphoric Mind - Zeccy

    Art image 6
    Im guessing you not really thinking straight when your on euphoric substance :I
    7 NATG XIV Day 8: Writer's Woes - AceBlazewing

    Art image 7
    This is something I feel myself, trying to juggle so many incomplete story projects...But just as Blazewing has friends like Pecan to give him a bit of comfort when he's feeling low, I feel grateful to also have friends who encourage me and lend support when I'm feeling unsure. =)
    8 Unfounded Fears - EbbySharp

    Art image 8
    Plot twist: she can read his mind, she just doesn't judge
    10 He can't remember - Shane Park

    Art image 10
    Shane Park is preparing to present at the Office room, Where boss told him about presentation to every Employer about something. But, he totally lost his minds due to Memory losses and he couldn't present for horrible reason.
    11 Losing It - In3DS

    Art image 11
    Sometimes when you just wanna...
    12 Just chilling - Fleximus

    Art image 12
    "Sounds" quite like a powerful laughting gas potion
    16 Twilight's crazy grin - KevinHz19

    Art image 16
    Twilight with Amulet to move the sun and moon properly, but failing at it. Who else but Twilight to make this silly crazy face, previously?
    18 Lights are on but no one's home - PinkR

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    20 Keep an open mind - Ragmo

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    Oh thats how it looks in there :O
    22 MAGICMAGICMAGIC - Mintwhistle

    Art image 22
    Probably the fastest NATG drawing I've done this year (so far), since it took me less than an hour to do. Features a batty Twilight, with a loose and messy brush for the background and coloring. (side note: had trouble writing this description.)
    23 The Bard of the Graveyard - Star

    Art image 23
    When sneaking into a place, remember to look for a familiar face. Or else she may oppose, in a once familiar pose.
    24 Ace Flag Adean Micheals Draconequus - https://www.deviantart.com/adeanthepurpledragon

    Art image 24
    My Draconequussona Adean holding up her Ace flag for Pride month
    25 The school is driving me crazy - SweetieLover

    Art image 25
    There is always a moment in the life of every student were you simply feel unable to handle everything.
    27 Twilight Freakout - EmilyLsArt

    Art image 27
    Uh oh, the purple book/friendship horse has lost it...RUN!!
    28 dreamin - Tor

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    29 crack - Jakub Majewski

    Art image 29
    In case you haven’t figured it out, it’s a reference to one famous scene from Family Guy. I had this idea floating in my head for a while, but due to being busy with classes, I was putting it off. After I noticed Newbie Artist Training Ground taking place, I decided to participate. I'd like to submit something for other days as well, hopefully I will have both the time and the ideas.
    30 Coo-coo Bird (NATG 2024 Day 8) - IronYoshi

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    Novo gets a little crazy without her daily cup of coffee...
    32 Pinkamena comes back - glitchedwoody

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    35 Younger Brothers Die Hard - KiwiPLUR

    Art image 35
    Imagine the escaped android all over the news, plastered with the branding of your city's most invasive megacorp. He's not only tracked you down, but knows everything about you and is claiming to be your dead kid brother.
    39 Where is my mind - Frith

    Art image 39
    Draw a deeply disturbed pony... well, here you go. We're all mad here.
    40 The Mind - Golden Midnight (or Angus)

    Art image 40
    This represents the mind. One side can be straight forward in thinking, the other thrives with jagged and twisted lines, allowing to feel creativity and other emotions.
    41 - Don

    Art image 41
    She always wanted to be a tree - Discord
    43 - Don

    Art image 43
    Stress sewing isn't cutting it - Twilight Sparkle 'Princess of Friendship'
    44 Trust Issues - Termyotter

    Art image 44
    I don't know, that pony seems kinda shifty.... I can't really take credit for this gag. This is from an old Wayne and Shuster comedy bit called "Rinse the Blood off my Toga", a telling of Shakespear's Julius Caesar as a private investigator type show.
    45 ganso - Zeta

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    46 Daybreaker - Cahan

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    She's crazy enough, isn't she?
    47 Gallant and Worthy Foe - Novaintellus

    Art image 47
    Get off my tail, you won't take me down!
    49 Autumn talking to herself - SuperSonicRainboom

    Art image 49
    Autumn hasn't exactly had much interaction with other ponies so it'd make sense she'd lose her mind a little bit and to keep herself occupied she talks to her little hoof friend
    50 NATG 2024 day 8 - Losing her mind - C_||_R

    Art image 50
    Having heard that Pinkie's imagination brings her cake sometimes, Screwball decided to ask for the same treatment from her mind whenever she can't contain it any longer.
    51 Daydreaming of kissing boys - DominicToblerone27

    Art image 51
    You like kissing boys don't you?
    52 Clearly not straight - Minty Treble

    Art image 52
    G3 Sky Wishes and Starcatcher
    53 Uncontrollable Magic - Adit

    Art image 53
    Mixed feelings of Angry, Sad, Crazy, & Hopeless… if you know, you know
    54 Feeling the Stress - Emerald Light

    Art image 54
    Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV
    55 NATG Day 8 - peachyraccoonsart

    Art image 55
    Looks like she has gone nuts! O_o
    57 The Snapping - spicyricexxiv

    Art image 57
    "When nightmares feel like they aren't pretend"
    58 Crazy - phallen1

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    60 2024 ATG #8: FoE Fanart: Let me guess, rage? - Blackblade360

    Art image 60
    Elloo, I'm a bit late on this prompt, alongside some other artworks that was delayed due to some stupid downloading problem I discovered..don't worry it got resolved... Here's a drawing for Prompt #8, Draw a pony not thinking straight / Draw a pony who has lost their mind In this artwork, lets just say that sometimes taking drugs in the wasteland can have some effects, don't worry heartbeat and a few other medic ponies can heal him right back to shape Derpibooru link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3379969
    61 Grogar's Game - Mind Flaying - Khazard

    Art image 61
    The first real big fight has come, fighting a dangerous mindflayer. They thought they'd be able to handle this efficiently, but two of them get caught under it's fearsome mind control! Luckily though, the undead lack brains to be controlled, allowing a sneak attack to finish this off quick.

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!