• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 7


    Who knew that apples were this complex? No wonder AJ has so little competition in Ponyville, eh?

    Hello everyone once more to another day of the NATG! We had a number of ponies fetching pearls, sharing wisdom, tangling with ropes and learning new skills, all representing just how creative you all are when it comes to these prompts. As always I look forward to each day's bounty of images with excitement to see just what you all have come up with for the day!

    Speaking of bounty, you all managed to bring in 59 ponies today which now brings us up to 379 ponies in total. Slowly we keep inching towards the 1000 mark! Keep it up, everyone!

    With the makeup day coming ever closer and the great job you all have done with the prompts so far, it's time for a day for another one of our standard prompt themes we've used for years but given a twist to each and every year. Now that I'm confident you can finish one pony in a day, it's time for a prompt that gives you a chance to draw two and what better theme than love in a fandom that has been shipping ponies for 14 years now? That's right, today I want you to Draw a pony with their better half / Draw a pony finding someone special!

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: 
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    Previous Prompt: Draw a pony learning the ropes / Draw a pony offering a pearl of wisdom
    1 Rainbow Dash's wisdom - ponerr

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    my submission :3
    3 Boxes all the way Down - KiwiPLUR

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    Just like last year, Buck and I are doing NATG togeather again! despite my rocky start I'm excited to see it through to the end with him and 3DS again this year!!! Buck in particular's responsible for a lot of my growth this past year as he's often offered to correct perspective in my pieces or explain his process to me when drawing something. He's active in the EQD Discord round this time a year, and I'm sure he'll be willing to lend you a hand if he's got the time!
    4 Corn Truffle Incident - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

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    "Is that all for today sir?" said Corn Truffle as she floated the drink and burnt hayburger to the green humanoid figure. Little did she know, that behind her the stove pan had caught fire after she forgot to turn it off.
    5 The way of the Rope - Zeccy

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    Need to get faster, even faster! MORE SPEED!
    8 Knit One, Purl One - Buckweiser

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    Life's like this great big ball of twine...
    9 - DoodleDonut

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    10 Failing at natural selection - Fleximus

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    "When the wise speak, the foal jump on the cacti"
    11 Adean and Discord at the Bar Harbor - https://www.deviantart.com/adeanthepurpledragon

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    My Draconequussona Adean and Discord hanging out at the harbor near the coast.
    12 Showing the Ropes - In3DS

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    Be Prepared... by learning your knots, hitches, lashes and ropes.
    13 NATG 2024 day 6 - Filly Uk-ong’ufa learning the ropes of an apothecary - C_||_R

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    I did not expect a watermark that obtuse! ^^; Raised among Starkatteri, Uk-ong’ufa nevertheless was adopted and taught by perhaps the only compassionate equine in the whole village. Nyotikid taught her all manner of potions which would ease her occassional seizures, though Uk always proved better at writing about potions and herbs than preparing them!
    16 Teaching new flying tricks - KevinHz19

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    Rainbow Dash, showing and teaching her daughter, Harmony, advanced flying moves and tricks. Us knowing R. Dash's talent for flying, she teaches Harmony sometimes to fly better.
    17 Oprah Whinny Give-away - Frith

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    You get a pearl of wisdom! And you get a pearl of wisdom, and you get a pearl of wisdom and you get a pearl of wisdom...!
    19 [SFM] It's not easy even with 4 hooves - red4567

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    Sorry about Misty’s mane, there was no texture for her new one in feral form, so I had to work around it.
    20 Pondering for wisdom - Ragmo

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    He has more tricks up his sleeves than you think. Though this pondering of the orb looks a bit suspicious
    21 NATG XIV Day 6: Reminiscence - AceBlazewing

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    Cookie remembering some pearls of wisdom (and another phrase she took to heart) from her old mentor, Knick Knack. Even a hardy mare like her can feel sentimental at times.
    22 Don't Do It! - Mintwhistle

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    "But I can drive my crafting scooter just fine! What's wrong with a bus?" - Izzy (A rather loose interpretation of the second prompt, since I had trouble coming up with good ideas for either one. The only other pony I could think of who would write this would be Sprout's mom, Phyllis (pre-magic, of course.))
    23 Pearl Thief - Frown Factory

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    Words of wisdom from the pearl thief herself. 90min
    24 The Key to the Dream Realm - Star

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    When Princess Luna left she needed somepony to make sure the dreams in the Dream Realm are safe. Sometimes you find a person to help by looking within your self and a feeling will arise to help them
    26 DWK on Degeneracy - Lore/Docard

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    It was alarmingly depressing to see this sketch after it was done, the depressing image and quote is distilled from a silly parody episode. DWK's humor is usually delightfully curmudgeonly, and really not meant for children. I highly recommend his Totally Legit Recaps on YouTube. (NSFW)
    28 Pipp Tip - EbbySharp

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    Gotta help them small content creators out
    30 Tiffany's Pearl of Wisdom - EmilyLsArt

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    Starring Princess Tiffany (Princess Pearl in the UK) from G1's Princess Ponies! She and her great pearl have some important advice to share especially in this year's NATG...
    31 Trade Secret - mafon

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    Listen, Sugarcube, I know it might seem like it, but we really need bits for the new barn.
    34 The Wisest of All (NATG 2024 Day 6) - IronYoshi

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    I think Lilly might be overestimating that particular Pearl...
    35 2024 ATG #6 FoE Fanart: Learning the ropes - Blackblade360

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    Here's a drawing for Prompt #6, Draw a pony learning the ropes / Draw a pony offering a pearl of wisdom. In this artwork, Heartbeat is learning to use some guns by using a guide book she just found when scavenging an old gun shop. Heres the Derpibooru link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3378639
    38 What Would You Say - phallen1

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    "Don't cut my lifeline"?
    39 Unanswered - Equestria Exploration

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    Many years later...
    40 Day 6 - SqueezyMouse - "Good Graces, chapter 3" - squeezymouse

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    haven't been able to do stories for this one or the last one, please forgive me
    41 Unicornius' Wisdom - SOENJAY

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    "So don't let them bring you down. Just keep following your dream." -Oliver, Age 24. Reaching back a decade to a wonderful song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMVZ6hAuwNI
    44 Learnin Lasso - DominicToblerone27

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    45 Grogar's Game - Pearl Diving - Khazard

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    Every good adventure has to have a fishing portion, its all the rage these days. While diving down for the precious pearls, the party finds this could have been much easier done
    47 Learning the Art of Slow - Novaintellus

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    What do you think will happen next, buddy?
    50 Ties to the past - Termyotter

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    Sort of used both prompts. A "pearl of wisdom" learned while "learning the ropes" that isn't really good can bind you down. There is something about a wrong piece of advice that somehow seems to stick around. You know its wrong, but a part of you can't let it go long after it no longer applies. The more insidious ones protect themselves, undermining attempts to reach out for help.
    51 On Talent - Optimistic Neighsayer

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    Guiding Light will often sprinkle nuggets of wisdom in her works.
    53 "Wisdom Calls for a Hearing" - Emerald Light

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    "Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; on top of the wall[d] she cries out, at the city gate she makes her speech" (Proverbs 2:20-21 NIV)
    55 NATG Day 6 - peachyraccoonsart

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    The pony is learning to read stories about legends and myths of Equestria... Sounds interesting to him!
    56 - PinkR

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    58 Twilight suggests you make some fren - spicyricexxiv

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    “You’re never alone, and home isn't too far”
    59 Learning To Clown - Oxfordinary

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    Pinkie Pie is showing Derpy the ropes in being a silly pony.

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!