• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 4


    Source - DoodleDonut

    Sometimes we like to be brave and sometimes we like to be a little bit cautious, especially when we are trying something new. Whether you are a veteran trying out some new technique or a newbie who is trying art for the first time, it can be a bit frustrating and scary to get started. Hopefully over the course of the NATG those fears will melt away and you'll all be more gung-ho diving into new challenges!

    As for today, we managed to bring in a total of 69 ponies which now brings us up to 201 ponies in total. Not too bad for a few days worth of work!

    For today's prompt, we have all tried something to find out it led us nowhere or been put into a tough situation with barely a way out. An occurrence that can happen when you have a 24 hour deadline and things go wrong at just the wrong time. So for today's prompt I'd like you to Draw a pony on a wild goose chase / Draw a pony stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: 
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    Previous Prompt Was: Draw a Pony Throwing Caution to the Wind / Draw a pony tiptoeing around danger.
    3 Alternative Flying - Zeccy

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    This looks great :D Im happy how this turned out even tho the colors of the sling-band is a little of :)
    5 [SFM] Dang it, Izzy! - red4567

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    This will end in pain, for both ponies eventually.
    7 - DoodleDonut

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    8 Escape from the Guards - Shane Park

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    He forgot to get Books from Hotel in Hawaii's Trip, but Hotel frontdesk pony doesn't allow to return items due to strict policy. So, Shane decided to sneak into the Hotel room and get some books back, he eventually get caught by another Guests and ended up caught by Guards before escaping to the outside in Hawaii Hotel.
    9 Rope and socks - Soobel

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    11 Lightning cloud ring course - KevinHz19

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    Rainbow Dash racing through a custom made race course with....lightning cloud rings?! Knowing her stubbornness and no care for danger, she'll do this challenge. And maybe in for a shock. ^^"
    12 Quiet now... - Sleepless Eevee

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    This is my first time drawing Anthro ponies, and I will need lots of improvement drawing them. But it looks good for a first attempt at anthros.
    13 NATG 2024 day 3 - Draw a Pony throwing caution to the wind / tiphoofing around danger - C_||_R

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    Lyra really wanted that ticket, no matter the danger of being the first tester of an experimental spell! (just in case my cursive is too garglemeshed to read) Twilight: "Thanks again, Lyra!  I really appreciate you helping me test this cloudwalking spell!" As part of my attempt of bringing awareness regarding just how many brony sites there are out there (and conversely bringing awareness to other sites of EqD’s NATG), today I posted my drawing to MLPForums /)
    17 Daring Adventure (NATG 2024 Day 3) - IronYoshi

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    IceBeak takes Sea Lilly on an adventure through the artic sea, but they have to be careful if they want to avoid the feared Ziphius!
    19 Fabulous Senses R Tingling - Lore/Docard

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    Since I'm already referencing previous NATG entries...
    20 We can't stop. It's to dangerous - Ragmo

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    Swift Sword didnt sit down and fastened her seat belt. Shouldn't have given the order for LUDICROUS SPEED. Meanwhile Caveman Pony doesn't understand whats her problem... he's just enjoying the ride YAY \o/ Everyone should watch that movie!
    22 NATG XIV Day 3: Split Second Swap - AceBlazewing

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    Thankfully, not every hidden treasure has to be rigged to release a death trap if it's taken away, but better safe than sorry, right?
    25 Misty In Danger - Frown Factory

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    Misty sitting on Opaline's throne. 150 minutes.
    26 A Peaceful Place - Mintwhistle

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    Sunny leaps across a dangerous spike pit in a crystal cavern. Sure, she could just use her alicorn powers, but where's the fun in that? (The title is a reference to an old, unofficial name for the "Crystal Dungeons" track from Kirby's Return to Dream Land.)
    28 The true meaning of "Hot Sale" - SweetieLover

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    Twilight apparently is a danger lover considering her last purchase :P Judge yourselves.
    33 Not Again! - Nedemai

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    Yea, this image is cursed but was funny to do.
    35 Cashing in a Favor - KiwiPLUR

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    I'm going to continue indulging in my Nighthaze brain-rot and none of you can stop me
    37 Tiptoeing Through the Tulips - Frith

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    They're horses! They walk on their nails! They're always tiptoeing! Now, you'll be telling me, tulips aren't dangerous. But look that pony with the hoe, galloping this way with bared teeth, and tell me again that tulips aren't dangerous.
    38 Trixie's Graffiti Jealousy - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

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    Trixie had enough of Twilight's command and her castle.
    39 Daring woops?!! - Faery Elise

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    I hear danger, I see Daring do.
    40 risky business - shevr

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    seconds away from making a dangerous decision
    41 You May Be Entitled To Financial Compensation - Buckweiser

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    All that strife just for a cuppa.
    42 ED: NATG 2024 Day 03 - Addelum

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    Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus.
    43 Donkey Oatey arrives to stop Tirek! - Palmetto PrĂȘt

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    Donkey Oatey is always willing to lend a hoof to help ponies as is befitting a knight. If only his large helmet didn't send him blindly all around Equestria until finding his foe (and usually running head first into the first object that looks like it.)
    44 In Hiding from Grogar - EmilyLsArt

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    Featuring more classic characters from G1...Gusty (the Great) and Grogar (Father of Monsters) in my style! While in hiding, Gusty tries to think of a plan to take the ram's bell around his neck so she could end his reign of terror on pony and creature kind...
    45 Lookin' Sharp! - Emerald Light

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    How did he even get there in the first place? Anywho, I decided to add an IRL object as I thought it was cool and enhanced the danger element. Verse of the Day: "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Acts 2:21 NIV
    46 Changeling not too careful around fire - SuperSonicRainboom

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    A changeling getting too close to a campfire, not realizing the danger it poses yet..
    47 Day 3 - SqueezyMouse - squeezymouse

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    I wasn't planning on doing anything for today but I decided to throw caution to the wind, try competitive Strive aaaaaaaaand didn't even stand a chance.
    49 sneak around - Trance-Wave

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    50 Cut the Red Wire - Chronomyre

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    It can be an amazing picture that stays in your head or an okay one that gets made
    51 Surprise Smooches - DominicToblerone27

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    52 Day Three - Danger - Caneighdian

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    I went with the 'tiptoeing around danger' theme! I thought this was a fun prompt, and I hope you all enjoyed it too! <3 span="">
    53 Windsurfer Mare - SOENJAY

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    Mare is a thrill seeker and she would definitely try lake windsurfing.
    54 High Risk, High Rewards. - Adit

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    You can earn a big cash if you win this game? But if you lose, you’ll lost everything you had.
    55 Book Faire 2: Pyrotechnic Boogaloo - Termyotter

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    So, years ago I had these two go wild at a book faire. So, I thought about both being much older, in positions of power, and what throwing caution to the wind might mean then. Like scheduling two fairs together to make a really exciting one. It's going to be awesome. Set the town on fire!
    56 2024 ATG # 3: Fanart: Daring Do Jumping - Blackblade360

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    A quick sketch for Prompt #3, Draw a pony throwing caution to the wind / Draw a pony tiptoeing around danger In this case, a slightly wounded Daring Do parkour on the platforms here's the Derpibooru picture link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3376791
    58 We Gotta Get Out Of This Place - phallen1

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    ... if it's the last thing we ever do
    59 How to Fly Your Dragon - Novaintellus

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    But why let the stupid kite have all the fun?
    60 'Taint No-Creature's Biz-Ness - Optimistic Neighsayer

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    Fun Fact, conventional deer crossing signs don't really help either deer or people, since the danger the signs warn of is largely hypothetical. Besides, deer will just go wherever.
    62 NATG Day 3 - peachyraccoonsart

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    "THEY GOT THE DEAD DROP! GET THEM NOW!" The spy pony is making a great escape from the Mafia!
    64 Trapped - Oxfordinary

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    The original idea was for Derpy to be surrounded and slowly working her way through mouse traps. The idea grew the more I thought about it.
    65 fluttifoofing - Vee

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    66 - AdamV20/Sawmaster

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    Sunny’s about to throw danger to the wind You see what what I did here, I mixed both prompts xD
    67 Spelunker - SkulltanEve

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    This is my most ambitious drawing yet. If you haven't noticed, it's heavily inspired by Spelunky HD—I started playing it again recently, which brought back some of my disappointment with Spelunky 2 (it's a great game, but can't compare to the original imo).
    69 Grogar's Game - Slimefield - Khazard

    Art image 69
    The party encounters the classic first RPG encounter, slimes! While they are easy to deal with, you traditionally need weapons to do so. Without equipment, the party must navigate around this field of slime ponies and avoid waking any on their way to town.

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!