• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIV: Day 3


    Oh Derpy, I know exactly how you feel. And some of you may be feeling like this too just getting around to doing the NATG prompts for the day. It is a daunting task, I'm not going to lie, but don't feel bad at all if you can't get through all 30! Just the fact you practiced and gave something a try is a huge step and these prompts will always be here for you later if you ever need them.

    You can do it, I believe in you all!

    As we enter into a new day, we managed to bring in 66 ponies which now brings our total to 132 ponies altogether! Keep it up, everyone!

    For today's prompt, I usually tackle an emotion of some sort, and considering the number of new artists who have had hesitations on joining, but doing so anyway, while others threw themselves right into it I figured a prompt related to that feeling would work nicely. So that is why for the prompt I would like you to Draw a pony throwing caution to the wind / Draw tiptoeing around danger.

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: 
    Copy link address 

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Size is 4MB!

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation so people can follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    The Prompt was: Draw a pony taking its first steps / Draw a pony coming to life!
    1 Shane walks into Island first time - Shane Park

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    He went travel to the Caribbean Islands but, he decided to take the Coach Bus from the Airport due to far away, and then He step into the grass from the Bus for the first time at the Islands (not Hawaii).
    3 First Step to Recovery - Lore/Docard

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    ...is admitting you have a problem.
    5 NATG Day 2 A Pony Coming to Life! - GoldenMidnight (or Angus)

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    I had the most fun drawing this! Allowed me to test all my skills out on a classic movie. Frankenpone's Monster!
    8 Out of the (digital) Inkwell - In3DS

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    Go forth, little horse. Do horse things.
    9 ED: NATG 2024 Day 02 - Addelum

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    Señor Butterscotch walks!
    10 Cheesy Struggle - Sleepless Eevee

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    I missed Day 1, but I wanted to participate in the NATG. I wanted to add Adult Pumpkin Cake or Pinkie Pie, but it didn't look that good.
    11 - DoodleDonut

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    12 NATG XIV Day 2: Wake Up - AceBlazewing

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    Cookie will take a boop on the nose from her niece than a typical noisy alarm clock any day. =)
    14 Morning Zombie - Oxfordinary

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    Some of us can relate.
    15 Princess Seira's first steps after waking up with no memories - SeiraTempest

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    17 [SFM] Sitting too long is not healthy - red4567

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    I've heard of making an impression, but I don't think that's what Pipp had in mind.
    18 Harmony's first step as a Pegasus - KevinHz19

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    An OC, Harmony Dashwing's first step as a Pegasus race to step on a cloud physically. Bet every young Pegasus children were excited to step on clouds the first time in their life.
    21 Celestia's getting up - mafon

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    Have a bright morning, everyone. The first time I'm using a tablet. Haven't noticed any significant advantages over a mouse.
    23 From stone to life - AdamV20/Sawmaster

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    24 Yawn - Soobel

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    Twilight about coming to life. Somewhere smells of pancakes? Or hayburgers?
    25 IT'S ALIVE! - Ragmo

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    Swift Sword is having her fun with trying some science stuff :) Caveman Pony just lets her have her fun and uses it to get some sleep :P
    27 Luna's first steps - Absolea

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    28 NATG Day 2 - peachyraccoonsart

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    H-He is ALIVE again! The explorer pony is still alive again from the dead! A fun fact for the prompt: I had a dream while I went to sleep - this one inspires me about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon! ^^
    31 It's Alive - Frown Factory

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    100 minutes
    32 Pumkin wobble - Vicky

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    33 2024 ATG # 2: FoE Fanart: Waking up - Blackblade360

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    Title: FoE Fanart: Waking up after the balefire for today ATG event from Equestria Daily, I drew today prompt: Draw a pony taking its first steps / Draw a pony coming to life the drawing is my oc, Toxic Fritter, a ghoulified colt who's now awakened the first time after the balefire bombs went off
    36 Prancing Blossom - EmilyLsArt

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    For this year's NATG, I decided to go for a variety of MLP characters than Pastel Brightheart. Today's prompt features Blossom, one of the first ever MLP characters from G1! I'm proud of this one so far :)
    37 Day 2 - SqueezyMouse - "Good Graces, chapter 1" - squeezymouse

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    A story goes along with this one; if clicking the image doesn't lead to it, 3375971 is the derpibooru post number. lord help me remember how to do backgrounds
    38 NATG 2024 day 2 - Draw a Pony Coming to Life - C_||_R

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    Skin&Bones awakens after X-thousand years :o
    39 - Trance-Wave

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    I hope i do it right.
    41 Mistakes Were Made - Termyotter

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    Look, you can be very very smart at some things and totally useless at others. I'm good in a lab, but put me in her position here and I may need an EMT visit. Oh, I do realize a choking issue may not require resuscitation but I did sort of want to get in the small "hooves of life" unit. :)
    42 Mocha Java Jolt - Frith

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    Horse lives again! Must have been Kicking Horse brand coffee. I'm still loving Soobel's fabulously fat horses! ^_^ I see C_||_R was reading my mind again, somehow.
    43 Wag - Zeccy

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    2nd time I make an little "animation"/gif, and I most say that HECK IT TAKES TIMES TO MAKE!
    45 The Twisted Tale of Izzy... - Mintwhistle

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    Based on an old idea I had for a "Micro-Series" styled comic: "When one of Izzy Moonbow's creations mysteriously comes to life, what's a unicorn to do?" (Butterscotch is saying, "Hello, Izzy!" I forgot to add the dialogue.)
    49 Twilight joins the brawl! - Palmetto PrĂȘt

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    I did not know about the New Artist Training Ground event and planned to start drawing this month. What a lucky coincidence the one who inspired me to draw concluded his own drawing challenge the same day EQD started theirs. Look forward to improving and contributing to the fandom!
    50 FrankenLilly Lives! (NATG 2024 Day 2) - IronYoshi

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    Soon, FrankenLilly will rise and start fining all the birdseed in town!
    51 SweetieBotInit() - Zeepheru

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    52 Twilight's New Residence - spicyricexxiv

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    ”Far away, wanting to be alone”
    53 Pinkie Pie wakes up Rainbow Dash - SuperSonicRainboom

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    Since the prompt is a pony coming to life I thought of a pony waking up from sleep and who loves sleeping/napping Rainbow Dash! So I drew Pinkie Pie waking up Rainbow Dash from one of her naps.
    54 Day 2: Overslept - KiwiPLUR

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    I'm so good at remembering things are happening you guys. Maybe 2025 will be the year i do Day 1 on time ;u;
    56 Step by Step - SOENJAY

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    Mustang helps Mare build some furniture. I'm still terrible at drawing furniture.
    57 Coffee's Rising - Novaintellus

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    I hope I'm not too late to be raising the sun
    58 I Choose - phallen1

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    ... A playground if we choose. And I choose.
    59 hatched - shevr

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    60 Sudden existance - MaddieCo

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    This pony has just came to life and is about to take her very first step. First time making a comic-esque creation. Was a bit big for me, but it was quite good to work on it! Welcome And to this world!
    61 Resurrection Power BOIZ! - Emerald Light

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    Back at it again at NATG! Also, I am Emerald Pencil - just did an online name change. Soli Deo Gloria
    63 No Different - DominicToblerone27

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    "They say that the moon is a place where every astronaut dreams of going some day, and I found myself no different."
    64 Day Two - First Steps - Caneighdian

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    Hi everyone! I hope your second day went well! I'm really proud of this one. :D - Phoebe <3
    66 Donning the Helmet - Chronomyre

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    i had bigger ideas, but i realized i couldn't learn the necessary techniques to do what I wanted to in a single day. then i got unmotivated and didn't want to submit anything at all, like a petulant child who sulks when he can't have his favorite dessert. then i got over it and did something on par with my usual output. no time for color.
    67 Pinkie breaks the 4th wall - Adit

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    When I was watching my favorite show, all of suddenly this Pink Pony come out of my laptop..
    68 - PinkR

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    69 Grogar's Game - Adventure Selfie - Khazard

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    The adventure begins! Pipp the Bard, Misty the Black Mage, Tempest the Spellsword, Kerfuffle the Smith, and Skellinore the Berserker. Quite a formidable party. And a quest must start with the first step, and that step in this case is a group selfie to remember where it all began. Though, this start is so-so it seems.

    Follow Calpain on  Twitter and Bluesky!