• Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu Gets a Publisher, Plus New Update

    The sidescrolling shooty game Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu has apparently picked up a publisher! indie.io has scooped them up, and will head the marketing, QA, and testing while they continue focusing entirely on development.

    They also have a new update, which I've popped below!

    New Update:

    • Boost and Dodge are now merged. You can use dodge anytime now and adjusted tutorials accordingly.
    • Level 03 is easier now.
    • Level 04 is more difficult to act as a proper boss fight.
    • Also adjusted the monster layout in level 04 to no longer have the monster end up in situation, where it is super difficult to destroy.
    • You do no longer need to equip specific waifus in a few levels to have the monster drop a memento slot upgrade. A high enough Dread value is enough.
    • Swapped the order of the charged shot and rapid fire tutorial.
    • Tutorial for absorbing bullets does no longer lose progression when you shoot.
    • Added a Senpai tutorial, which gives you hints and reminders after each level. This is temporary until the house gets a general overhaul in size and handling.
    • Fixed a small error, where the crosshair was always too far away.
    • Improved the behavior for the Apply and Back buttons in the options menu.
    • Black fades are a bit smoother and prevent the playfield from suddenly flashing in.
    • Fixed an error where the selected display was not kept between game starts.
    • Added an extra check for the digging mode to hopefully always stop digging eventually.

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