• Unicorn Training Returns With Anniversary Edition

    The unicorns will be trained! An oldschool pony game has gotten a bit of a facelift after being removed from app stores ages ago. They sent a whole press release about it, so go read what to expect below!

    Press Release:

    A Zelda-inspired Pony Action RPG! Clover the Cloaked is a unicorn apprentice of the legendary Grand Swirllock the Bearded. She needs to learn the 10 basic combat spells every mage must master to survive fights against the monsters of Equica.

    You might remember it from this Unicorn Training Trailer here.

    Traverse 9 deadly dungeons to unlock more spells and extend your life energy! Explore the mysterious Lurkwood forest to power up enough to beat ALL the dungeon bosses to prove to your mentor you're tough enough to take on any dangerous quest!

    In this 10 Anniversary version you'll find some nice additions:
    - New Joystick Controls That Make Movement Smoother!
    - Run & Shoot Spells at the Same Time!
    - A Teleportation Tutorial!
    - Lowered Difficulty to Reasonable Levels!
    - Countless Softlock & Bug Fixes!
    - Hidden Easter Eggs!
    - Short & Sweet Intro Dialogue!
    - Removal of Some Boss Cheesing Tactics!
    - Spells Will Now Stop Leveling Up Until Your Mana Bar Can Handle Them!
    And most notably
    - Keyboard Controls! So it's now playable on PC/Mac/Linux for the first time!

    You can Play It on Itch.io, Google Play, or the iOS App Store and there's a free Lite version too if you want to try it out.

    Follow Sethisto on  Twitter and Bluesky!