• The AI Voiceover Drama Continues - French VA May Have Talked to Fake Hasbro Source!

    THE PLOT THICKENS. After loads of digging, G5 superfans have found who the french voice actor's Hasbro source is, and determined that this person doesn't appear to be a employee of the company at all. While dubs in other countries have fallen massively in quality, it's most likely that they are simply using lower end studios rather than actual AI.

    Of course, more things could change at a moments notice on this juicy story. We still haven't seen any response from Hasbro yet. Hopefully they can clear this all up for absolute good! For now at least, it seems AI was not the reason for the shutdown of Make Your Mark, and is not being used for voicework in non union countries.

    That being said, AI TOOLS are a completely different beast, and finding artifacts in voice work might be due to these, rather than due to the entire thing being recorded in AI. Most companies are using some form of AI at this point just due to it being baked into every modern creation software out there. Lower the pitchforks for now when it comes to this technology. It's going to be harder and harder to tell.

    Now back to poni.

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