From "Drawfag" to "Drawfriend", the pony community on 4chan spawned our forever title of art galleries on EQD today with the very first post showing of art being created of our brand new horse cartoon!
Time for history. Go get it all below
The very first Drawfriend post happened today. If you have know idea what the origins of the word are, this is it.
Over on 4chan, people that draw requests are considered "Drawfags". It's not meant as an insult, it's just part of the culture. The pony fandom slowly appearing over there started calling artists "Drawfriends" instead to ponify it up a bit, and that's what we used here on EQD.
We also spotlight Madmax comics today, one of the most prevalent artists on the board releasing piles of hilarious stuff for everyone to enjoy.
And the very first "Friendoff" happened, where artists drew fanart of fanfics, and fanfic authers wrote stories about drawings.
One of our most popular early posts. Fandom is weird.
Just for Sidekicks was getting a bunch of teasers right now. That's about it!
Legends of Equestria was fully open today for the weekend for the first time, and everyone was invited to go explore it all!
This one was a lot of fun, but it's oddly gone now. Maybe you can track it down?
For all the humanized horse fans out there, we had this FluttERR thing.
Friends Forever #36 released, and Silver Quill did the review!