Nightly Discussion #3440
by CalpainStill have some holiday plans with friends and family?Evening everyone, I hope you all managed to have a lovely day. Ready to get to chatting?
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This Day in Pony History - December 27th - Humble Brony Bundle Destroys Notch, Cide Replacement, and More!
by SethistoI do love these big epic compilation videos. Seeing everything that happened in the last year always puts into perspective how ridiculoiusly fast these days go by.
Time for pony history! Notch got wrecked by the Brony Bundle, Cider was replaced, and more!
Looks like IDW is aiming to wrap up all their stories in time for New Years! Let's take a double-look at these new releases and see what's what.Catch the full, spoiler-infused review after the break!
Author: Impossible NumbersDescription: Ever since Dean Cadence became Principal Cadence, she's learned the hard way that running a school as prestigious as Crystal Prep Academy is a bureaucratic knife-edge. Among other things, she has to deal with spiky students, a terrifying janitor, and constant comparisons between her and Cinch – which are somehow always in Cinch's favour.
Hardest of all might be getting one of her students – Sour Sweet – to apologize for years and years of bullying. Not least because she must convince the girl it's for her own good too…
Sorry (Seems to be the Hardest Word)
Additional Tags: Jealous Ex-Bullies, "Life" Coaching to Death, and "Tough Love" Principalsop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Impossible Numbers, Cadance, Complete, Equestria Girls, Fanfiction, Human, Normal, Other, Star-Needed -
Does she count as an alicorn? Or do magic temporary wings and horns not count?
Art below!
[23] Source
by petaltwinkle -
My Little Pony: Classics Reimagined: The Unicorn of Odd #4 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q
Let the joyous news be spread, theChrysalisWicked Old Witch at last is dead!
Why am I celebrating the death of Queen Chrysalis? One of the most popular characters in the show and is always a joy to see make an appearance in the comnics?
Because this is the final act of the Wizard of Oz! And in this story, that means only one thing:
It's time forOddOzTrixie! It's time for the Great and Powerful Trixie to shine!
So for one final time... to Odd? To Odd. We're off to see the Unicorn! The Great and Powerful Unicorn of Odd!
My Little Pony: Generation 5 #20 Series Finale Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q
This is the end my friend.
I'd be lying if I said IDW accidentally releasing the final My Little Pony comic book issues for the year last week didn't put a damper on things.
But this is the final issue for this ongoing My Little Pony comic series.
So how does it end?
With a reminder about what is friendship in the magical land of Equestria. And as always, you'll be able to check it out after the break!
Morning Discussion #3237
by Calpain2024 is just around the corner. It's crazy to think that this year is almost up and I'm honestly glad to leave it behind. It's been one of the busiest years for myself and everyone I know so I'm hoping that 2024 manages to be a good year.Though we've been waiting for a good year since 2020 haven't we?Anyway, hope you all have a good morning! Ready to chat?
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