Nightly Discussion #3411
by CalpainA little bit of Pinkie Pie goes a long way towards a lovely evening!Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good day. Ready to make the most of this evening?
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This Day in Pony History - November 28th - The First Pony Comic Releases, Cancelled Incredible Pony Figures, and More!
by SethistoRemember these 3D pony models that popped up from a lost merchandise line? I still want them... I wonder how many amazing things we almost got over the years.
Go get your history for 11/28 below.
Source What's your opinion on how they handled Spike in Chapter 6? Do you like the new dragon design very much, and do you think it makes sense applied to him? What of the explaination for why he was away for so long?
I can appriciate that Spike is still around (which would make sense since he is a dragon), but his presence feels a little "off." I don't much enjoy the fading memory trope in stories (even if it could make some sense here), so when I see it here it just feels like an excuse for the writers to not have to divulge G4 information he would obviously know and want to talk about. As for his design, I just think all the G5 dragons look a little wonky. They don't look bad, but they remind me of Spyro OCs for some reason. Applying that new design retroactively to Spike is wonky, but I understand why they would do it for consistency.
What do you think? Discuss Below.
What ride is Ember on?
Go get art below!
[1] Source
Ember's making her Escape by mysticalpha on Deviantart -
Gameloft's My Little Pony: Magic Princess Game Updated With Hearth's Warming Shop, Seaquestria Story
by overcastGameloft has released Update 79 (version 8.9.0) of their long-running freemium game My Little Pony: Magic Princess, which is available on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and Android.
The patch notes are reproduced below.
Author:I Vicious I
Description:Twilight has taken notice that Pinkie Pie has an extremely unusual set of abilities, and Twilight is determined to find out the source of Pinkie's Power. However, she might not like what she finds
Pinkie Pie is an Eldritch God
op 5:00 AM
Labels: Adventure, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Star-Needed, Twilight Sparkle -
Morning Discussion #3208
by Calpain