Nightly Discussion #3399
by CalpainYou tell them, Izzy!Hey everyone, I hope you are all doing well! Ready to get Thursday over with and move into Friday?
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This Day in Pony History - November 16th - Male Spitfire, Famous People Discussing Ponies, Lesbian Pony Fanfiction, and More!
by SethistoFor whatever reason, the regular media decided today was a big day for pony across the years. We had everything from lesbian pony fanfiction being discussed on the BBC, to various actors repping ponies to their followers.
Head on down below for all the history of 11/16!
If you are looking for a fun way to celebrate pony and support EFNW at the same time, there is a new charity calendar available over here, starring the skills of a bunch of awesome artists in the fandom.
Orders close on the 15th of December. Get the full artist list below if you are curious about who is involved.
Do you bring a pony with you on trips?
Time for art! go get it below.
[34] Source
by captainpudgemuffint -
Source This is the halfway point reminder for Cutie Mark Crusader day! Send those foals in or else!
To submit, send an email to submit@equestriadaily.com with CMC DAY as the title followed by what it is, so CMC DAY - Open Art for open art.
Submissions close at 12:00 AM PST on the 20th, so get them in quick!
Tell your tale returns! We definitely seem to be on a weekly schedule again. This one has a bunch of spoilers for Make Your Mark Chapter 6, so be prepared for that. Hasbro hasn't planned at all apparently.
Go check it out below!
Morning Discussion #3196
by Calpain