Nightly Discussion #3334
by CalpainThat's a lot of Luna in one image, I've got to say.Evening my friends, hope you all had a great Saturday. Ready to chat?
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Source Socks remain peak pony in the fandom when it comes to fashion accessories. This isn't surprising, but I wasn't expecting it to completely eclipse absolutely everything. Surely something else could have risen by now!
Time for new poll: If you could attend a major event in Equestria, which would it be?
Go vote on the side bar and get these results below.
There are a lot of awesome quotes from MLP, no matter what the generation is. From "How do you like them apples?" to "I can clear the sky in 10 seconds flat!", which quote from FiM or G5 is your favorite?
My favorite is the classic Rainbow Dash line from Suited for Success "it needs to be about 20% cooler."
Drop your thoughts below.
Comics: Adorkable - Glimmer's Grand Weekend / Catch Up / Hollowshades #190 / ES Shorts #35 / Revolution #30
by SethistoComic time again! We've got lots of updates and some single parters/fanon comics today. Get them above and below and click for full!
That's a cute Rarity right there. I need to get me a Nekokevin plushie some day.
Go get plushie ponies below.
[0] Source
Rarity plush sit by nekokevin on Deviantart -
Morning Discussion #3130
by CalpainLuna here to wish you a nice dark morning. Enjoying her ever-expanding night?Morning my friends, hope you managed to sleep well! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain