Nightly Discussion #3305
by CalpainTwilight found the potion that would turn you into a pony! Would you take it?Evening my friends, hope you all had a good Wednesday! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainShare This!539 Comments
This Day in Pony History - August 9th - Fidget Spinners, Silly MAtv Brony Report, and More!
by SethistoThey were so viral, and then everyone suddenly couldn't sell them at all. I remember seeing these on every store shelf out there, just sitting for months.
Time for pony history! Go get it all below.
I know Twilight day is over, but I wanted to bring another Twilight Sparkle related question to the table. Should Twilight make more appearances in G5? Would she appear via the crystal again, or would she appear physically like Celestia and Luna?
I think we need something new to spice up G5 a little more, so I'm hoping Twilight gets another cameo of some sort.
Drop your thoughts below.
Princess Big Mac hasn't been up here ever I don't think, so praise the apple monarch.
Art below!
[11] Source
Donut remake by Lailyren on Deviantart -
Soapbox time! We've got some interesting opinions this week, so hopefully you all can find something fun to discuss with these. As always, we are open for submissions on these. If you'd like to submit your own soapbox, hit up this post for infos.
As always, these are the opinions of fandom members, not us here at EQD.
Have some headlines:
- Disney+, the next stop for Equestria Girls and Rainbow Roadtrip
- Hasbro Should Make MLP FIM What If . . .
- Bridlewood’s Strange Name
- Chemist or Model?
Morning Discussion #3100
by CalpainWhat would you have to do to get blocked by Fluttershy?Morning my friends, welcome to Wednesday! Ready to chatter a bit before getting the day going?
Twitter: Calpain