• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIII: Day 24


    Now if there is one pony to set up a party on the last day of the world you can count on it being Pinkie Pie. What better way to go out, am I right? But even if when the world isn't ending it's still good to have fun and live life like there is no tomorrow. Keep that sort of excitement and merriment in your hearts and it'll surely make you see every day all the brighter.

    As we wind down another day of the NATG, we say 59 ponies sent in today which brings us up to 1747 ponies in total! Nicely done everyone!

    For our next prompt, it's one I remember having used earlier during other NATG events but this time have decided to save it for now now that your skills have started to bud and grow. With some experience under your belts, the things you are discovering now are different from when you started this event and I wonder what sort of discoveries your ponies may have as I want you to Draw a pony making a great discovery / Draw a pony opening Pandora's Box. 

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Resolution is 4096x4096! If your image is larger than that, the submitter will resize it to that max resolution.

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
  • Nightly Discussion #3267


    It may be Sunday but that doesn't mean we can't party tonight, right? Let's make the most of our weekends!

    Evening everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Ready to chat?

    Twitter: Calpain
    Vote for and view my comic. Patreon here
  • This Day in Pony History - July 2nd - BronyCon All Over the Media, Rupert Grint Joins the Fandom,

    Attack of the Show, Associated Press, random Austrian newspapers and more were all getting on the pony train today. It was a nonstop media frenzy! At least in the early years.

    We even had a Harry Potter actor rockin' a brony shirt.

    Go get all the history below!

  • Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #4455

    That's a pony that everyone forgot about right there. I feel like I post fan art of her once a year at this point.

    Art below!

    [1] Source
    Mane-iac by ManeIacMayhem on Deviantart
  • Hasbro Replaces Its Franchises' Web Portals, Including MLP's

    The My Little Pony web portal has been removed from Hasbro's website, along with those of Hasbro's other franchises such as Nerf and Transformers. The My Little Pony site was created in 2003 and was moved to mylittlepony.hasbro.com in July 2015, and it featured information, videos, activities, minigames and product listings.

    Hasbro's website rework involves the consolidation of the website subdomains of all of its franchises, which I imagine is intended to reduce maintenance costs. Now, all of the products are shown on shop.hasbro.com, and all of the videos, activities and minigames are linked to from play.hasbro.com. Some information, such as the pages about characters, is no longer available anywhere on Hasbro's website, and can only be viewed through archival websites such as the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and archive.today.

    Note that this change is not an indication of anything specific to the MLP brand, since the same change was made for the sites of Hasbro's other franchises as well.

  • Animated Shorts: Gayer than a Magician / loadsamoney / So Bitter

    The horses will be animated. WE've got three different animations today, two parodies, and one meme.

    Go get them down below.

  • Drawfriend - Equestria Girls / Anthro MLP Art Gallery #489

    Punk Dash headers your anthro and humanized post today! Go get it all below as always. 


    [0] Source

  • Morning Discussion #3062


    Tetris on the Gameboy! Now that is a blast from the past. It is a bit of a shame though that I was never really good at puzzle games like that.

    Morning everyone, how are you all doing? Ready to chat?

    Twitter: Calpain
    Vote for and view my comic. Patreon here